What they love about you

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Violet: Violet loves your quick thinking and your ability to come up with new and original ideas.

Klaus: Klaus loves your sense of humor.

Duncan: He loves that you consider other people's point of view before offering yours.

Isadora: She loves that your always happy to lend a hand.

Quigley: He loves that you're willing to overcome your fears and challenging tasks.

Esme: Esme loves your sense of style, she claims that your clothing is very in. (Typical Esme.)

Carmelita: She loves that you patiently listen to her, and wait until she's done to start talking.

Olaf: He loves your ability to play certain roles and convey that emotion.

Fiona: She loves that you have the ability to think fast and come up with another solution if the first one fails.

Lemony: Lemony loves that you can lighten up a room by just walking into it.

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