Start from the beginning

Two days from now he was planning to give surprise to Maria, on their fifth wedding anniversary and he couldn't wait for it. He knew her hapiness would know no bounds, she too just like him was missing the family too much....

You could only surprise her when she is ready to talk with you. Yaha to begum dekhe ko bhi ready nahi hai!!

His inner voice mocked him and he agreed with it and walked towards her, who immediately stiffened on her place watching him approach her from the corner of her eyes.

“Maria..” cupping her cheeks he sat on his knees before her, snatching book from her hand, passing her a warm smile, watching her ignore him, not letting them melt her.

Maria tried getting up having made her mind to ignore her husband but he groped her waist and chuckled watching her groan in annoyance.

If she thought she could go easily ignoring him then she was so wrong. Mustafa Ahwaan would never let his jaani sleep with her angry pout even when she was looking so damn cute to him.

“Jaani---” interlacing his fingers on her back, Mustafa again called her, this time with his favourite nickname, pulling his chin over her knees, making himself all comfortable, taking in her refreshing scent.

“Are we playing this ignoring game again ?” not getting any reaction or a reply, he chuckled as he moved forward to snuggle his face inside her belly, rubbing his nose over it.

He smirked when he sensed her stiffening up with his action. She had clutched over his hair, making it look like she was trying to pull away but he knew the reality....His little wife was actually holding him strongly keeping him on the very place. Mustafa smirked watching his magic work and decided to pull the teasing session up a notch.

Mustafa started trailing his hands in circles all over her waistline and finally rested them over her abdomen where the strings of her nightgown was. Tugging the strings he undid her nightgown with his skilled fingers and pulled it up, leaving her thighs bare for his eyes.

So freaking beautiful and all mine!!

His gaze was transfixed over his wife's pristine features, ogling her flushed state with sparkling eyes. Keeping a firm hold over her bare legs he squeezed them, pulled her thighs apart as he dug into the soft skin of her belly, planting abundance of fluttery kisses over it, humming in satisfaction over again and again.

God! He missed her so much!

“You are so beautiful...” Mustafa moaned in pleasure biting her belly softly. His moan was enough to break Maria out of her trance and she pushed him away, wiping her eyes which had welled up with tears of humiliation.

She wasn't able to believe she gave in so easily when she resolved not to,
.....but what she could had done ?

She really missed him so much! So damn much!

“Why? Why do have to do this Mustafa ? I... No, we miss you so much. We miss the time when we spent time together as a family but you don't do that anymore.” feeling hopeless, Maria poured out her whole heart infront of Mustafa, letting her tears fall freely.

She wanted her old Mustafa back. Her Mustafa who was the best husband and the best father.

“I am doing this for us only Maria. So, that we would be able to give best to our children-” keeping his anger at bay, Mustafa tried making her understand his point for the umpteenth time over those three years.

Why couldn't she understand his point ? And why the hell was she crying when she knew he hated her tears ?! She never cried complaining to him before then why now ?!

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