I hated this guy, I really did.

"Oh," Liam cleared his throat. "I know we saw each other a couple days ago, and Noah has told me so much about you, but I have yet to introduce myself." He reached his hand out towards Amy. "Liam Braxton. You must be Amelia Young." He flashed my best friend a bright smile. "And... Russell, right?"

"Hi." Amy spoke softly, smiling sweetly after a second of what looked like confusion flashed before her eyes. You could tell she wasn't expecting to talk to us, probably going out of her way to ignore us. Yet here we were. Russell shook Liams hand too, giving him a polite smile. "I hope Noah's told you good things." Amy chuckled lightly.

"Of course," Liam turned to me. "I've been meaning to meet you for a while now, considering you're my Noah's best friend, but the chance never presented itself."

My Noah. How cheesy. I stared at the floor, not wanting to look at Amy, let alone Russell. My heart rate was through the roof and I felt my head begin to throb as the realization that I had to get it together and LIE my ass off finally hit me.

I was already this far. What else was I suppose to do?

"You know," Russell voice sounded full of curiosity. "I can't believe Noah never mentioned anything about you before. Amy and I were, just, beyond surprised when we heard you two were dating."

I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

"I mean," he continued. "He's known Amy for, what? Eight years? I thought you told her everything Noah."

I finally looked up, clenching my jaw as Russell stared at me with such innocent eyes.

Wow. This guy was a dick.

I turned to Amy who now had a small frown as she looked down in thought.

"Oh my gosh," Lily gasped loudly. "I said the same thing! Like, these two have been dating for six months and you're telling me Noah never told us?" My sister turned to me with a smirk. "Why would even want to keep this guys a secret!" She grinned at Liam.

"Six months?" Amy looked up at me with furrowed brows.

"Um," I cleared my throat. Don't freeze. Don't you dare fucking freeze! You did this to yourself, so get it together. "Technically, yes." I nodded, trying to sound and relaxed as possible. "It'll be six months on the 31st."

"Really?" Russell raises an amused brow at me.

"Well," Liam spoke almost instantly. He gave my hand a slight squeeze, so I turned and watched as he gave Russell a smile that looked... so genuine. He was good at this. Too good. "Technically, we've been "dating" for maybe three months." Liam shrugged.

"Oh?" Amy turned to him confused.

"Yeah," I picked up the conversation. "The first couple months of our little "relationship" were mainly just... physical." Lily raised her brows and smirked at me. "Liam would come in and out from California so we weren't really anything more than just..."

"Friends with benefits?" Lily finished for me with a chuckle. You could tell she wasn't expecting me, her little brother, to be saying stuff like that.

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