Hanging Out

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You walked into class, smiling as Ian waved to you. It had been a week since you started school here in New Mushroomton and it had been a fairly smooth transition thanks to Ian. He showed you around on your first day, introduced you to his friends, let you know what routes were the quickest to get to and from school, and let you know what foods to avoid in the cafeteria. As a thank you, you made some cupcakes and brought some to class with you.
"Morning!" Ian greeted.
"Good morning!" You said, "I got something for you."
"You do?" He gave you a surprised look, "Why? I-I mean-"
"It's a thank you." You smiled as you handed him the small tupperware, "For helping me out."
"Oh, you didn't have to." He said, "I'm glad I could help you though."
Still, the young elf curiously looked in the tupperware, smiling when he saw the cupcakes.
"I wasn't sure if you liked frosting or not, so I only frosted two of them." You said.
"These look great! Thank you (Name)." Ian beamed.
"Okay class," The teacher said walking into the classroom, "Take out your text books..."
"Let's hang out during lunch." You whispered to Ian as he carefully tucked the tupperware into his bag and nodded to you.
Later that day, you and Ian were sitting outside under a large tree. You watch as Ian tried one of the cupcakes. A wide smile spread across his face as he ate it.
"What do you think?" You asked.
"These are great! How'd you get it so moist?" He asked as he took another bite.
"That's a family secret." You laughed, happy to watch him enjoying the cupcakes.
The two of you spent the rest of the lunch chatting about various things. Different spells Ian was trying to master, how things were so much smaller in New Mushroomton compared to New Urban, you both realized you had similar tastes in music, the conversation flowed and topics changed until the bell rang.
"I don't want to go to gym." You groaned as you got up.
"It won't be too bad today," Ian chuckled, "Coach Evans just has you run laps for a few minutes then it's free choice."
"Oh that reminds me," you said, "There's a pop quiz in math today."
"Aw, really?" Ian asked as you two walked to class together.

You two had parked at the side of the small theater, the bright morning sun disappearing and reappearing behind the wispy white clouds. You and Barley had been hanging out in the park when you mentioned you liked musicals. When Barely told you they were having auditions for one at the local theater, the excited look on your face was all the more he had to see before he started encouraging you to try out.
"Are you sure you don't mind?" You asked.
"Are you kidding?" Barley cheered, "This is amazing! I never really thought about musicals before, but if it's something you want to do, let's do it!"
You laughed as Barley grabbed the door, opening it for you with a playful bow, "M'lady."
"Well thank you, Sir Barley." You said, with a joking curtsy.
You both quietly laughed, making your way into the lobby. Near the door for the auditorium was an elderly elf woman sitting at a small table.
"Good morning." She greeted, "Are you both here to audition?"
"I'm just here to watch." Barley said.
"I'm auditioning though, if they're still open." You said.
"Oh yes," The woman said, handing you a safety pin and a large piece of paper with a number on it, "Just put that number on and fill out this form and give it to the director when he calls your number."
You thanked the woman, following Barley into the auditorium. You both listened to the others auditioning as you filled out the paperwork. As the director came closer and closer to calling your number, you began fidgeting and you suddenly became aware of how dry your mouth was. Suddenly you felt Barley's larger hand cover your own.
"Hey," He quietly said with a smile, "You got this."
"Thanks." You smiled, feeling a little better.
"Number thirty!" The director called out.
"Coming!" You said.
"Good luck!" Barley said, squeezing your hand as you got up.
After giving the director your paperwork you took the stage. With a deep breath you introduced yourself.
"What song will you be singing?" The director asked, glancing over your papers.
"I'll be singing 'What Baking Can Do' from Waitress." You said.
"Alright, go ahead and start when you're ready."
You took a couple deep breaths before gently starting to sing. As the song continued, your voice gradually grew stronger and more confident.
"...So with flour on my hands, I'll show them all how god damn happy I am!" You sang, your voice climbing, ringing out loud and passionately.
When your song came to an end, the small crowd applauded, Barley cheering loudly and whistling from where you had been sitting. You couldn't help grinning, catching your breath as the director thanked you and let you know they'd be calling with the results later that day.
"That was amazing!" Barley exclaimed as you two left the theater, "How could you hide something like that?!"
"I wasn't hiding it." You laughed.
"You've got to sing for Jonny some time! I bet he'd love to have you in his band!" Barley grinned.
"Me? In a band?"
"Why not?" He asked.
You spent the next couple hours hanging out together. You hadn't gotten very far in a game of Quest of Yore when your cell phone started ringing. You quickly answered, nodding to Barley as he gave you a questioning look. It was the director letting you know the results from the audition. He told you how you gave a good audition, but unfortunately you weren't chosen for this musical. Your shoulders slumped, as you thanked the director for letting you know. Barely could tell from your body language you didn't get the part.
"Hey, it's okay." He said, "Maybe you'll get the next one."
"Yeah..." You said, biting your lip.
Barley got up from his chair, coming to your side and giving you a hug as he offered, "Do you want to go get some ice cream?"
You gave him a small chuckle, returning the hug as you nodded.

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