When You Get Embarrassed (Barley)

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"Princess, I swear, it's fine." Barley said, trying not to laugh.
You laid there on his bed, hiding your face under his pillow, feeling mortified that while you two were starting to make out, you had farted.
"You asked what ripped!" You said through the pillow, wondering if the heat from your face could start a fire.
"Okay, I did." Barley admitted, "But that's honestly what it sounded like!"
You smacked him with his pillow before curling up and hiding your face again. Barley rested his hand on your back as he choked back a laugh.
"Everyone does it, Princess." He said.
"Not when they're doing that!" You hissed.
"Why is this so embarrassing for you?" Barley asked with a chuckle, "Would you feel better if I did it too?"
You looked out from over the pillow, still hiding half your face, "Have you ever farted in front of your whole class?"
"Oh!" Barley realized why you were so upset now, "No, I can't say I've done that one."
"I was in first grade." You said, finally sitting up, "We were in the middle of story time, lunch didn't really agree with me, and I thought I could be quiet. It wasn't."
"I'm sorry, Princess." Barley said, remembering how mean kids could be, "The others forgot about it soon though, didn't they?"
"Oh no," You said, "As if that wasn't bad enough, six year old me thought I could blame it on whoever was behind me. So I say 'it wasn't me, it was him!' And I turn and point to the wall. I forgot that I was sitting at the back of the group."
"Aw, babe." Barley pulled you into a hug, "I can see why that'd be a sore subject."
You nodded as you hugged him back.
"If it makes you feel any better, I'll tell you my most embarrassing school moment?" Barley offered.
"Really?" You asked.
"Of course!" Barley said before clearing his throat, "Picture this: a little seventh grade Barley, still getting over a nasty cold. He's sitting in, of all classes, health class. Not only that, but his first crush is sitting in front of him. As we're sitting there, I felt a tickle in my nose. I was gonna sneeze, but it was one of those sneezes that comes on quick, like so quick you can't react. So there I was, sneezing on the back of my crushes neck. You'd think it's not that bad right? Just a little spit? Well not in this case."
"No!" You gasped.
"Oh yes," Barley continued, "I was getting over a cold, so it wasn't just spit I covered his neck with. Did you know Jonny's brother was a germaphobe? Cause that's how I found out."
"Oh my god!" You groaned, "I would die of embarrassment!"
"I practically did." Barley said with a laugh, "I went to the nurse and had mom come get me."
"Oh I don't blame you." You said, "Was it awkward with Jonny after that?"
"Not really," Barley said, "He, like the rest of the class, was laughing at his brother's reaction."
"I'm sorry babe." You said, leaning against him.
"It's okay, my point was everyone has embarrassing moments." Barley smiled.
"I know, but still..." You replied.
"Hey, you never have to be embarrassed with me about anything. Okay?" Barley said, squeezing your hand as he kissed your forehead.
"Alright." You said with a small laugh, kissing his cheek before he claimed your lips again.

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