When You Get Embarassed (Ian)

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Ian wasn't sure what was going on. You'd been moody the past couple days, almost seeming irritated with him one minute, then seeming like you were gonna cry the next. Was something going on? Why weren't you talking to him about it? Should he ask?
He had been waiting outside your classroom for you to come out so you could walk to your next class together. When you came out you had the same irritable look you had had the past couple days.
"Hey," He greeted, "How was class?"
"Boring." You replied, "I kept starting to fall asleep. I think Miss Johnson noticed cause she kept calling on me."
"I'm sorry, Love." Ian said, and that's when something caught his eye.
You sat in something red. Then it clicked. Your moodiness and falling asleep in class, you hadn't sat in something. Ian quickly took off his jacket, looking around to see if anyone else had noticed. So far it didn't seem like anyone had. Ian quickly stepped behind you, tying the jacket around your waist.
"Ian! What the heck?!" You jumped, giving your boyfriend a confused look.
Ian blushed bright red as he stuttered, "Um, L-Love, I think y-you need to call your aunt."
"Why?" You asked, wondering what got into him.
"Erm, w-well, uh-" Ian stuttered.
You two had never talked about this sort of thing before. Obviously he knew girls went through this, but how was he supposed to tell you without embarrassing you?
"Hey guys!" Avery greeted, "What's up?"
"N-nothing!" Ian said, "(N-Name) isn't feeling well so she should really call her aunt to come get her and take her home!"
Ian hoped you understood what he was trying to say without him having to say it. Avery gave you a concerned look.
"Oh no, was it something you ate?" Avery asked.
"I feel fine!" You snapped "Ian, what's going on?"
Ian gave you a pleading look, glancing to his jacket then back to you. For a second you wondered what he was doing, then suddenly you realized what had happened. Your face turned bright red and you felt like crying right there in the hallway.
"Actually." Avery said, realizing what had happened, "I agree with Ian, you don't look so good, why don't I take you to the nurse?"
"Okay." You said, your voice cracking as you tried not to cry.
"It's okay." Ian whispered, kissing your forehead, "Text me later."
With that, Avery led you to the nurse's office. You tried to call your aunt, but she couldn't get you. Your sister was at work. You tried calling Ian's house, maybe Laurel was home.
"Hello?" Barley's voice came from the other end.
"H-hey Bar, is your mom home?" You asked.
"Nah, she's at work. What's up?" He asked.
You let out a small squeak. Your only options now being: stay in the nurse's office the rest of the day, wear your gym shorts, or go home with your boyfriend's brother.
"I-I need a ride home." You said.
"Not feeling good?" Barley asked, "I can get you."
"Could you please?" You asked.
"Yeah! I'll be there in about five minutes!" He chirped.
"Thank you so much Barley!" You sighed in relief.
"Yeah, I'll text ya when I get there." He said before you said your goodbyes.
Soon you were walking out of the school, hugging your backpack as you made your way to the yellow van. Barley noticed the jacket around your waist, he was going to ask why, then he quickly realized why you needed to go home. You climbed into the van and Barley gave you a small smile.
"Hey, I know you're not feeling great, but do you mind if we make a quick stop?" He asked, "I don't know about you, but I'm starving! How bout some milkshakes and fries?"
"Yes please!" You said, wanting to cry again.
Soon, Barley pulled up in front of your house. You slid your bag over your shoulder before grabbing your fries and milkshake.
"Thank you so much Barley." You said.
"Any time!" Barley smiled, "You got my number, if you ever need help, just call me."
You thanked him and said goodbye before you made your way into the house. After changing into your favorite pajamas and grabbing your favorite blanket, you curled up on the couch and ate your fries and drank your milkshake.
Later that day, your sister came home and was surprised to see you on the couch. You explained about what had happened, telling her how embarrassed you were that Ian saw that.
"Don't be embarrassed!" Your sister said, "Ian handled that like a champ!"
"Huh?" You gave her a confused look.
"Story time! So when I was your age-"
"You're only three years older than me!"
"Not the point." Your sister replied, "Same exact thing happened to me. Only my boyfriend at the time was a total tool and made a big deal that I bled on the chair in class. Half the class, of course the guys, all made a big deal about how 'gross' it was."
"No!" You gasped.
"Yup. I wound up crying in front of everyone and dumped that ass right then and there in front of everyone. You know what his response was?"
"He said 'at least I know how to hold it in!'"
"But you can't with that." You said.
"Oh I know that, so did everyone else in our class." Your sister said, "Soon everyone forgot about me and they moved onto him! Whenever he was crabby, people would ask him if he was holding in his period."
"Oh my god!" You said, hiding your face behind your hands.
"I know, cheesy right?" Your sister grinned, "But that's how high school goes. Ian didn't make a big deal about it, instead he caught it before anyone noticed and made sure you were covered. He's a keeper sis."
"Yeah." You agreed.
A knock on the door caught both your attention and your sister got up to answer it. To your surprise, it was Ian.
"H-hey." He greeted, "I got you some things!"
As Ian sat next to you he pulled out a small pint of ice cream, your favorite soda, and a small stuffed octopus from a plastic bag. You had to laugh when you saw the reversible octopus.
"I'm glad that made you laugh!" Ian smiled.
"Thank you." You said, "I'm sorry about today."
"Don't be! It's not like you can control it." Ian said.
"You know, the last couple days I've been wondering what was up, but after today it kinda makes sense." Ian said.
"Have I been that crabby?" You asked.
"A little." Ian admitted.
"I'm sorry." You said, suddenly feeling bad.
"Don't be!" He replied as he picked up the octopus, "That's what I got this little guy for. I figure since we practically have the same locker, maybe we can put this in there. Then if you're going through- uh, um... girl things, you can flip him over and it'll be like a little sign to not worry if something's wrong."
You watched as the little plush went from a smiley face to a swirly eyed face with a squiggly mouth. You laughed at the face and turned to Ian with a smile.
"Thank you so much." You said as you leaned against him.
"Of course, Love." Ian said, kissing your forehead, "Oh! And there's this too."
You gave Ian a curious look as he pulled out a small pencil pouch with a picture of your favorite animal on it.
"Avery suggested this." Ian explained, "Whatever you use for, uh, that stuff, just put it in here and we can keep it in our locker. That way if you don't have anything with you then there's something in our locker."
"Our locker?" You asked.
"Well, I mean, we share my locker a lot. Why not make it ours?" Ian said.
"I'd like that." You said with a smile.
"It's officially our locker then." Ian said with a smile as he laced his fingers between your fingers.
"Hey love birds?" Your sister poked her head into the living room, "Do you guys want pizza for dinner?"
"Wanna stay for dinner?" You asked.
"Sure." Ian smiled.

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