Bonus: How he kisses

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Beginning of the relationship:
Ian’s more on the shy side when it comes to kissing in public. Most times he’ll either kiss the back of your hand, your forehead, or maybe your cheek. When it’s just the two of you, the first couple times he’ll ask if he can kiss you, but once he’s more comfortable, he’ll give you a gentle kiss on the lips. It’s not slow, but it’s not quick, it’s just a simple sweet kiss. 

A few months in:
He’s still a little shy with the public kisses, but he gets comfortable enough to give you a quick kiss on the lips when no ones looking. When it’s just the two of you, he gets more confident that he’s more than an okay kisser, so he lets his kisses linger a bit. 

Half a year or longer in:
Public kisses are still the same, but when you're alone, this guy is starting to figure out making out and he’s a flustered mess. Which only makes him more flustered. Once he’s more confident with it though, he’ll kiss slowly and deep, eventually trailing kisses from your cheek, to your jaw, and maybe down your neck before he starts getting too flustered again. 

If he accidentally gives you a hickey:
Ian is a blushing mess. He didn’t intend on going that far and now he’s trying to figure out how to help you hide it while apologizing profusely.


Beginning of the relationship:
Barley is an affectionate guy. When it comes to kissing in public, he typically sticks with kisses on the cheek or maybe a quick kiss on the lips, depending on who's around. When it’s just the two of you though, he likes long, slow, gentle kisses. 

A few months in:
His public kisses are still the same, only he may take a chance now and then to pull you off to the side and give you a longer kiss on the lips. When it’s just the two of you, he still goes for the long, slow kisses, but they may not be as gentle. That’s not to say he’s rough, but you definitely start to see a bit more passion. Especially when he tries testing the waters by sucking or gently nipping your bottom lip.

Half a year or longer in:
Public kisses are still going to be the same, but they’ll include forehead kisses at this point. When you’re on your own though, what starts off as a couple kisses can easily turn into a heated make out session with deep, passionate kisses. He’ll kiss your face, neck, and collar bone before returning to sweet, gentle kisses.

If he accidentally gives you a hickey:
Barley is surprised he actually left a mark, he is apologetic though. Thank goodness he’s got makeup from different cosplays he’s attempted. He’s bound to have the right shade to cover that up for you.

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