How you meet

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Rain poured over New Mushroomton High School, the occasional flash of lighting catching Ian's attention through the window. The room was filled with the typical chatter before class began.
"Alright class," The teacher said, walking into the room as the bell rang, "Everyone take a seat and give me your attention. We have a new student joining us today."
The room quietly buzzed with surprised murmurs from the other students. It had been a while since a new student had joined the school.
"Come on in and introduce yourself." The teacher said.
You walked in, pushing your wet hair out of your face as you sheepishly greeted everyone, "Um, hi."
Unfortunately for you, you had gotten caught in the rain while you walked to school. It wasn't your ideal first impression, standing in front of your new classmates looking like a drowned rat, but it couldn't be helped.
"Don't be shy," The teacher assured you, "Go ahead and introduce yourself, maybe tell us a bit about yourself?"
You told the class your name, how you moved here with your Aunt and older sister from New Urban; you enjoyed baking, painting, anything artistic really, and you liked to read.
"Thank you (Name)," The teacher said, "Why don't you take the empty seat behind Ian."
The young elf watched you walk towards him. He couldn't help feeling bad about how soaked you were. It was too bad he didn't know a drying spell. He turned to you as you took the seat behind him.
"Hi." He said, "I-I know it's not much, but do you want my jacket?"
You gave him a surprised look, "Seriously?"
"Yeah." He said with a gentle smile as he held out his jacket.
"It'll be all wet though." You said.
"That's okay," Ian said, "It could keep you warm at least."
You smiled at him, taking the jacket, "Thanks... Ian, right?"
"Yeah," He chuckled, "It's nice to meet you, (Name)."

'Eddy's Lair' the large neon sign flickered above the small comic book shop. You had just moved to New Mushroomton with your Aunt and younger sister, and now you were searching for work. This was the fourth place you were dropping a resume off at and this was the place you were really hoping would hire you.
"Hey, Barley-boy!" The tall cyclops quietly called.
"What's up Jonny?" Barley asked.
"Check it out! We got a cutie coming in!"
Barley turned his attention to the large window by the front door. He couldn't help smiling as he watched you sprint from your car to the door, trying to avoid the downpour of rain as you held something close to you. The door swung open with a small jingle as you looked around.
"Hey there!" Barley called from behind the counter, "Welcome to Eddy's Lair. How can I help you m'lady?"
You stifled a giggle and asked, "Are you guys hiring by chance?"
"Aw, I'm sorry, we aren't." Jonny said.
"Well dang," You sighed.
"Is that a resume?" Barley asked, "If you want I can still give it to Eddy. In case we ever need some help, I mean."
"That would be great!" You beamed, handing the resume to the young elf.
"I'm gonna guess since you're applying here, you must like comics huh?" Barley asked.
"Oh I love them!" You said, with a grin.
"Yeah? What's your favorite genre?" Barley asked.
Jonny couldn't help chuckling to himself as he watched the two of you ramble on about comics, the conversation gradually drifting to games and how you both like playing Quest of Yore. Eventually you noticed the time and realized it was almost time to pick up your sister from school.
"Oh geez," You said, double checking your watch, "I didn't realize it was getting this late."
"Well hey, if you gotta go you can always come back another time." Barley said with a grin.
"Definitely!" You smiled, "It's fun to have someone to geek out with."
"How about we hang out over at Flo's?" Barley suggested, "It's this great diner by the high school. Bring your sister and I'll bring my brother."
"Sounds great! Do you have a piece of paper?" You asked, writing your number down and giving it to Barley.
"(Name)?" Barley read with a smile, "I'm Barley."
"It's good to meet you." You smiled, "Call me whenever."
Once you were gone, Jonny turned to Barley and asked, "How'd you do that?"
"I dunno, it just happened." Barley said as he put your number in his phone.

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