J-Joker?! (Fem Reader)

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This was a request from NinjaHazel! Thanks for requesting!

Warning: Slight NSFW (More flirting than anything)


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(C/N) = Code Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

This was supposed to be a simple mission. Just a quick trip to Mementos to train and finish off a few simple requests. Never did (Y/N) (Y/L/N) think it would lead to her being pinned against the wall by her crush with his piercing gaze watching her every move; a twinkle of want and affection in his eyes. Her breath hitched as she felt the gloved hand on her cheek trail down to her hip, the cold, crimson leather making her shiver with every small touch. His head leaned closer, his lips brushing hers with every word, "you know, you look so adorable when you're so flustered, Treasure."

With a shaky breath, she tried to avoid his gaze. She felt like she was melting; like her entire body was on fire from every action, every word, every breath Akira made. When he noticed her mind was filled with other thoughts, he removed his other hand from her wrists, swiftly grabbing her chin in the process. Being as gentle as he could, the noiret forced the (H/C) to look up at him, "what's the matter, my dear? Is everything I say..." he moved his lips away from hers, now hovering over her ear, "...too much for you?" She was about to answer, but a soft whimper escaped instead as she felt his lips on her neck, leaving soft kisses everywhere he could reach.

'How the actual hell did I end up here?' she thought, squirming around against the wall as he found the sweet spot on her neck. The last thing she remembered was fighting a shadow. Akira had asked her to head to Mementos with him for some solo training; everyone else was busy that day. Obviously, she agreed and the two entered the Phantom Thieves' training grounds. It started off smooth; they were able to complete a few of the simpler requests and were just battling some weak shadows they ran into on the way. Morgana wasn't with them, so they had to walk along the tracks.

Eventually, the two ran into a powerful shadow. The (H/C) was skeptical at first; she didn't know if they should really fight it. "Joker, are you sure we can handle this by ourselves?" she asked, taking a quick glance over at her leader. He nodded, his usual cocky smirk making an appearance, "we'll be fine, (C/N). Trust in me, alright?" 'Always' is what she wanted to say, but in reality, she just smiled and nodded. The two got into a battle stance and the fight against the monster began. At first, things were going really well; the two were able to easily dodge the incoming attacks and were doing significant damage. However, all of that changed when the shadow landed a critical hit on the (H/C). She fell to the ground with a groan and before she could react, the shadow was launching an attack at her. (Y/N) had no energy to get up; she had accepted her fate until a shout was heard, "(C/N)!"

Her (E/C) eyes darted over to her left, where she saw the noiret running towards her. The next thing she knew, he had pushed her out of the way and had taken the hit. "Joker!" she cried, using the last of her strength to stand up and grab him before running away from the shadow; it just had too much health for them to take on. Once she had rounded a few corners, the two were standing in a dead end. "This...will have...to do..." she panted, gently moving her leader so he was resting against the wall. Her gloved hands cupped his face as she searched for any visible injuries, "it looks...like you're alright." The moment her hands released his face, Akira grabbed her wrists with one hand and spun them around so (Y/N) was caged against the wall.

"J-Joker?!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock. All the noiret responded with was a deep chuckle as he stroked her cheek with a gloved hand, "you look incredible in this lighting, love, but you'd look much better in my bed." Her face exploded into a blush as she choked on nothing, "I-" "I never thought I'd actually tell you this, but I've thought about this very situation...many times," he huskily mumbled, flashing her his signature smirk; the smirk that could make her knees weak every time she saw it, "Joker..." He hummed, placing a single gloved finger on her lips, effectively silencing her, "save your voice for later, I plan to make you hoarse by the end of the night." Her (E/C) eyes looked up at him in embarrassment and curiosity; Akira thought she looked absolutely adorable, "your Phantom Thief outfit looks amazing on you..." she sighed as she felt him nuzzle her neck with his nose, "it would look even better on the floor. Won't you humour me?"

Those events led the (H/C) having her chin held by the taller male, looking deep into his onyx eyes. She could see the passion in them, the admiration, the love. It was like she felt a magnetic force pulling her towards him, forcing them together. (Y/N) shook her head, 'this isn't right. He clearly isn't in the right headspace...' she thought, finally recovering from her shock of the situation. Using her strength, she pushed him off of her. Akira's eyes widened as he fell to the ground, landing on his back. "Treasure, I didn't know you had a side like this~" he quickly recovered from the surprise, his cocky and seductive nature returning. Despite not wanting the moment to end, she searched around in her pockets for anything that might help. 'This has to be a status ailment, right? Why else would he suddenly show interest in me? I can guarantee he'd much rather be saying these things to one of the other girls...' she thought, continuing to rummage through her pockets.

(Y/N) was so distracted by her search that she failed to see the noiret get up from the floor. He snuck behind her and held her waist, making her gasp and drop a few items on the floor. A gloved hand pushed her (H/C) hair to the side, placing his lips right under her ear, "I can't wait to kiss every inch of your body...you'd like that, wouldn't you Treasure?" he declared, continuing to press kisses to her neck and ear. 'This can't keep going...' she thought, grabbing his arms and taking them off her waist. The (H/C) used the opportunity to grab the Relax Gel off the ground. With no hesitation, she threw it into the air so it would land on Akira; the toss was a complete success and he got down on one knee from the impact.

With a sigh, the (H/C) placed a hand on the noiret's shoulder, "Joker, are you alright?" she asked, a hint of regret in her tone. He nodded and slowly stood up, keeping a hand on his head, "other than my head throbbing, I'm fine. What happened?" (Y/N)'s face began to burn with embarrassment once again as she told him about everything that had happened. Akira refused to even meet her gaze; he just stared at the ground as he kicked the dirty rails with his shoes. The (H/C) did the same, an awkward silence and thick tension filling the air. "I guess that's a new status ailment..." he finally spoke, earning a dry laugh from his teammate. "Yeah, we should warn the others about it later..." she suggested, a frown falling on her lips, "I'm sorry, you'd probably rather have had that happen with one of the others, right?"

Akira was taken aback from her sudden statement, "w-what do you mean?" Another dry laugh escaped her lips, this one holding more pain than before, "it's kind of obvious you like someone in the Phantom Thieves, Joker. Let me guess, Queen?" The noiret sighed, realizing there wasn't a point in hiding it anymore, "I guess I'm not subtle, am I?" he chuckled weakly, noticing the (H/C)'s fall even further, "however, I like you. Not Queen." "I can try to set you two u-" she began, freezing when it processed in her mind, "w-what?" He rolled his onyx eyes, strutting over to her and gently grabbing her chin, "I like you. A lot." (Y/N) let out a giggle before deciding to test the waters. She stood on her tippy toes and pressed a soft kiss to the male's lips, giggling when she pulled away, "I like you too." He smirked and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her back against his chest, "so...about our previous conversation..."

Akira Kurusu (Joker) X Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now