Status Ailment (Fem Reader)

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Hey guys, this was a request from Woomyvoomy! Thank you so much for requesting! Also, this is my last one shot until June because I'm taking a short hiatus. However, I will be uploading 'Love's a Dangerous Game' every Friday!


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/N/N) = Your Nickname

(C/N) = Code Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

'"Come on, Aki! We're almost there!" (Y/N) exclaimed, her grasp around his warm hand tightening as she continued to pull him along the path. Akira just smiled, squeezing her smaller hand as he allowed himself to be pulled, admiring the freshly bloomed flowers and vibrant, green trees surrounding them. The two had decided to go on a date, but (Y/N) wanted to surprise him with something extraordinary. He had no idea what she had planned, but he knew that whatever it was; he would love it. The chilly breeze made their hair move out of place, causing the couple to laugh at each other's new styles. However, after a few more minutes of breeze, the (H/C) began to shiver. She was only wearing a thin long-sleeved shirt because she thought the wind wouldn't be bad. Akira took notice and slipped his crimson hoodie off without hesitation; handing it to her with a gentle smile. (Y/N) persisted, telling him he'd just be cold without it and she would manage. He insisted, and it was only then when she took the article of clothing, relishing in the warmth it provided.

After about ten more minutes of walking, the (H/C) let out a gasp of excitement. "Okay! We're here!" She announced, beginning to pick up her pace by a small bit. Akira nodded, quickening his own pace to match hers. Finally, the two arrived at what seemed to be the edge of a cliff. "A cliff?" He observed, getting a giggle from the girl next to him. "It's not the cliff I wanted to show you, silly!" (Y/N) declared, leading him over to the very edge. She sat down on the chilled grass, lightly tugging on his arm as a gesture to get him next to her. He quickly complied, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as he did. "Alright babe, why'd you bring me here?" He inquired, letting out a content sigh at the peaceful atmosphere. (Y/N) turned to face her black haired boyfriend, ruffling his fluffy locks before smiling brightly. "It's starting!" She exclaimed, gently grabbing Akira's chin and turning his head so he was now looking straight ahead. A smile graced his lips as he watched the sky slowly change from it's natural swirl of white and blue to a soothing mix of different oranges, reds, with hints of purple and pink. "I hope you like it. Isn't it beautiful?" The (H/C) asked, a light pink dusting over her cheeks. Akira grabbed her chin, making her look up at him. "I love it. Almost as much as I love you." He declared, beginning to lean in. (Y/N) did the same, their lips getting closer and closer until-'

The sound of a bell ringing brought the (H/C) out of her daydream, her head snapping up out of her arms to look around the room. She saw it was already practically empty, prompting her to look at the clock. 'Time to go home.' She thought, silently rising out of her seat and packing up her school materials. Once her bag was all packed, she slung the strap over her shoulder and began to make her way out of the classroom; until she was stopped by a certain blond. "There you are, (Y/N/N)!" Ryuji sighed, grabbing the (H/C)'s wrist and pulling her down the halls. "Ryuji, wait! Where are you taking me?" She cried, managing to pry her wrist out of his tight grasp. "We're going to Mementos today, remember?" He declared, rolling his eyes at (Y/N)'s confused expression. As realization hit her, she felt her cheeks get warm. "Sorry, I totally forgot. I kinda fell asleep in class..." She admitted, refusing to make the blond's gaze. "Yeah, I know. Akira found you first. Told us to hang back until you woke up." He explained, now exiting the school with the (H/C). 'My crush saw me sleeping?! Shit, he probably thinks I don't take being a Phantom Thief seriously now...' She thought, frowning from all her negative thoughts. Ryuji noticed her distressed expression and decided to do something about it. "No one is mad at your for holdin' up the trip or anything." He announced, watching a weak smile grace (Y/N)'s face. She just nodded, staying silent for the rest of the trip to Leblanc.

Akira Kurusu (Joker) X Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now