He's Your...What?! (Fem Reader)

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This was a request from Tododuck! Thank you so much for requesting! This fic was way longer than I was expecting but I'm very proud of it! Thoughts and flashbacks are in italics.

Disclaimer: I don't own any Persona 5 Characters or the image. I own the fic.

Spoiler Warning: Slight SPOILERS for the TV Station and Akechi's past


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

 A loud yawn escaped Akira's lips as he leaned down in his chair, reaching for his bag so he could grab his lunch. He felt like the morning was going on for way too long and was looking forward to just having a quiet lunch. Just the day before, Madarame confessed his crimes to the public, proving that The Phantom Thieves of Hearts were successful in changing his heart. "Hey, Akira!" Morgana cried, snapping the noriet out of his daze. He hummed at his cat, finally taking his bowl of noodles out of his bag and placing it on the wooden desk. The black and white cat rolled his eyes, "you keep spacing out. Are you alright?" His question went unanswered as his leader's onyx eyes were focused on the window, watching the rain droplets roll down it.

Before Morgana could scold him further, a boisterous voice was heard, "I can't believe it worked twice!" "Ryuji! Quiet down!" a more feminine and quiet voice snapped, making the loud blond hold his breath and apologize. The cat's bright blue eyes turned to the door as he watched Ryuji Sakamoto and (Y/N) (Y/L/N), two other members of the Phantom Thieves, walk inside Akira's classroom. They were both in class 2-E; Morgana could only assume they were joining their leader for lunch. (Y/N) and Ryuji walked over to Akira's desk, Ryuji taking the seat behind him and the (H/C) sitting on his right. "Yo, wassup?" the blond greeted, not getting a response from the noiret, "what's up with him?" "Beats me; he's been zoning out all day," his cat answered, sighing in exasperation. (Y/N) tapped his shoulder but he made no movement, "Akira?" After hearing her voice, he snapped his head to face her, startling her in the process. "When did you and Ryuji get here?" he asked, making Ryuji and Morgana groan, but the (H/C) laugh. "Think it was really those Phantom Thieves? You know, the whole stealing your heart thing?" a male student asked his friends, their conversation being overheard by the real Phantom Thieves. His friend thought for a few moments, "that...there's no way. But then again...it just seems too convenient for it all to just be coincidence." Ryuji fist pumped, making (Y/N) spring into action. She grabbed his wrist and pushed him into his seat, "don't make a scene..."

Ann Takamaki sauntered into the classroom, smiling brightly when she saw her friends. She headed over to them, standing in front of her usual seat, "how's it going? Have you found our next big target?" "I just started lookin' yesterday. No way I'm gonna find one that quick," the blond defended, making her sigh. "I guess that's true..." (Y/N) mumbled, subconsciously reaching over to stroke Morgana's fluffy head. "Oh yeah, by the way, I decided on the TV Station! What about you three?" the blonde asked, twirling the end of her left pigtail around her finger. The (H/C) looked over at her, "TV Station." Both Akira and Ryuji looked at the girls in confusion, tilting their heads in confusion and humming. The loud teenager suddenly cursed under his breath, "oh crap, the social studies trip! Ugh, I just wanna ditch it..." "You'd better go to your school activities. Didn't I tell you not to draw attention to yourselves?" the cat scolded, making the four humans let out a breath. "Mona, you sound like a parent sometimes..." (Y/N) huffed, making the noiret snicker under his breath; he agreed way more than he should.

Ryuji cracked his knuckles, "wouldn't me suddenly turnin' into a good student stand out more?" "Quit bickering and go," Morgana ordered, swatting at his extended hands. "I have an idea! Let's all choose the TV Station!" Ann exclaimed, smiling brightly at her friends, "I heard we're gonna get to watch them tape a show! Maybe there'll be actresses there!" Ryuji and Akira thought about it and the blond spoke up, "oh well. Not like I've got anything better to do than waiting for info to come in online. Plus, Morgana's right; showin' up will keep the teachers from gettin' all suspicious of me." "I mean, it might be fun. We have to go anyway..." Akira added, earning a bright smile from (Y/N). Just as she opened her mouth to say something, her phone started ringing. She glanced at the caller ID and the noiret swore he saw her smile grow even brighter, "sorry, I need to take this. I'll see you all later." She began walking out of the classroom, placing the phone to her ear, "hello?...you're bailing again?! That's the fourth time you've cancelled..."

Akira Kurusu (Joker) X Reader (DISCONTINUED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ