Long Distance (Part 2) (Fem Reader)

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Originally, I wasn't going to make a second part, but then I got a comment from Sweetreatz9933 so I decided to make one! 

Disclaimer: I don't own any Persona 5 Characters or the GIF. I own the plot

Warning: Limeish, Implied NSFW


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(F/C) = Favourite Colour


'Akira, being the gentleman he is, picked up (Y/N)'s bag and placed his other arm around her waist. "Come on, love. My friends are gonna love you." He declared, kissing her forehead once before leading her upstairs, feeling complete.'

(Y/N) sighed at the contact, silently wishing his arm would never leave her waist. "Babe, are you sure your friends won't mind?" She asked, feeling slightly insecure. She never had been the most confident person, and she had been without her main source of encouragement for five months. "I guarantee they'll be fine with it. Besides, they know you exist. They've seen my wallpaper and some pictures on my camera roll." He explained, leading her to the base of the stairs. "Okay, I trust you. I'm just nervous." She admitted, her cheeks flushed a soft pink. Akira just smiled and kissed the top of her head, ruffling her hair gently before readjusting her bag. "Wait here, okay? I'll give you an introduction." He declared, heading up the stairs while ignoring the protests from his girlfriend.

Once he got up the stairs, the other Phantom Thieves immediately realized he had a bag. "What's with the bag, dude?" Ryuji asked, tilting his head in confusion. "Where did you even get that? You don't own a (F/C) bag..." Makoto declared, raising an eyebrow at their leader. "Akira, we need an explanation!" Ann exclaimed, a bright smile on her face. "You remember all those pictures you laughed at me for?" He asked, watching as realization dawned on his friends. "The ones with you and that girl? What was her name again?" Yusuke wondered out loud. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N). His girlfriend who lives in their hometown." Futaba explained, a prideful look on her face. Akira just nodded and waited for his friends' murmurs to settle down so he could continue explaining. After a few moments, Morgana realized their leader still had something to say, so he quickly quieted down the others. "Well, I brought her up because she's actually downstairs..." He explained, watching his friends go crazy. "For real?!" Ryuji shouted, eyes wide. "We're actually gonna meet her?!" Ann chimed in, getting a nod from Akira. "Guys, relax! We're gonna end up scaring her away!" Makoto argued, a stern expression gracing her face. "Yes, let us show her that we can be normal human beings." Yusuke added, getting an eye roll from Futaba. "She already knows we're crackheads. She also knows we're the Phantom Thieves." She declared, sending a glare to their leader. "Akira..." Morgana growled, running over and swatting his leg. "Remember when Ann was brainwashed and she whipped me a bunch of times? She saw the damage and I couldn't lie to her!" He defended, getting sighs. "Anyways, I've been keeping her way too long. Babe!" He shouted, smiling softly as the familiar (H/C) walked up the stairs.

She didn't realize the pairs of eyes on her until after she had finished walking up the stairs. She saw how some of the eyes went wide, as if not believing she actually existed. "Hello, I'm (Y/L/N) (Y/N)! You can just call me (Y/N)!" She greeted, bowing to The Phantom Thieves. "Cute..." Ryuji mumbled, earning a glare from Akira. (Y/N) noticed as a girl with pigtails stood up, returning the bow. "It's nice to meet you! I'm Takamaki Ann! Please, just call me Ann!" She said, making the (H/C) smile. She watched as another blond stood up, choosing to just wave instead of bow. "Sup? I'm Sakamoto Ryuji, but I just go by Ryuji." He declared, getting a nod. Next, a boy with blue hair stood up and bowed at a perfect ninety degree angle, shocking the (H/C). "My name is Kitagawa Yusuke. I used to be a pupil of Madarame. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He greeted. "So sophisticated..." She whispered, making her boyfriend laugh. "Yo, I'm Sakura Futaba! I'm Sojiro's daughter." She explained, watching as (Y/N) smiled. "I kinda figured. You look like him a bit!" She declared, accidentally making Futaba flustered. "Well, I guess I'm last. I'm the student council president at Shujin Academy, Niijima Makoto." The brunette introduced, getting a nod from (Y/N). "Well, those are all my frien-" "I exist too, you know!" A voice chimed in, making everyone turn their heads. (Y/N) just giggled, laughing at the loud meow. "I didn't know you had a cat, Akira!" She exclaimed, walking over and scratching Morgana's head. "Oh, right. That's Morgana. We also call him Mona." He explained, smiling as she managed to pat the cat's belly. "Mona's actually a Phantom Thief with us." Ryuji declared, making the (H/C) gasp. "No way! Does that mean when he meowed, he actually said something?" She asked, amazed. "Yep! Although, you need to have a Persona to understand him. Otherwise, it just sounds like meows." Ann explained, getting a nod from (Y/N). She then turned to face Morgana, who seemed to be relaxed. "I'm sorry I don't understand you. However, you're very fluffy. And cute!" She declared, placing a kiss on his small head. "I'm not cute!" Morgana argued, making her laugh. "I'm assuming he's not happy with that?" "Nope. Not in the slightest." Futaba answered, making the (H/C) laugh. "(Y/N), how long are you here for?" Makoto asked, a gentle smile on her face. "One week. Today's Friday and I go back home next Saturday morning." She explained, getting a nod of understanding.

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