The Festival (Fem Reader)

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I just finished the festival in the game and I'm about to collect information on Medjed and I'm reall excited but I can't do it until after exams D,:

Disclaimer: I don't own any Persona 5 Characters or the GIF. I own the plot. 

SPOILER WARNING: This fic contains SPOILERS up to the Summer Festival (After Kaneshiro's Palace)


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

 (Y/N) gasped as Shadow Kaneshiro revealed that there was a criminal who was using other people's Palaces to accomplish whatever their corrupted heart desired. "They don't care about consequences, psychotic breakdowns, mental shutdowns...anything goes." He explained, his purple body leaning against the gold bars behind him. "Hold on, is that the same person Madarame's Shadow spoke of?" (Y/N) asked, her fellow Phantom Thieves shrugging. "Spill it! Who're you talkin' about?!" Ryuji yelled, stepping closer to Shadow Kaneshiro. The shadow just began chuckling, glaring at the fiery blond. "Don't even bother. You're nothing compared to them! Better be careful, a chance encounter with them could prove fatal." He taunted, returning to his other self in the real world. Before anyone could say anything, the room began to shake and crumble. "We can think about that later! Grab the treasure, there's no time!" Yusuke declared, gesturing to the gold bars. "In that case, we should take that large one...wait what?!" Makoto added, pointing to the biggest gold bar in the pile. The group looked over and saw Morgana rubbing up against the treasure, like he had done to the previous two. "Mrrrrroooooow! T-treasure!" He exclaimed, beginning to jump around the gold. "What's gotten into him?!" Makoto exclaimed, noticing the others seemed completely used to it. (Y/N) was about to respond, but flinched as a piece of rubble came hurtling towards her. She braced herself for impact, but only felt herself being pushed against someone's chest. She looked up to see her boyfriend, Akira, cradling her protectively against his chest. "This is sooooooo cooooooooool! Wowwweee! Being a human is greattttttt!" Morgana exclaimed, turning to face the Phantom Thieves. "It'''s...shiny shiny goldddddd!" He continued, pouncing onto Ann. She struggled to throw him off of her, groaning in protest. "Hrgh?! L-Leff ho off mee!" She exclaimed, finally throwing him off of her face. Morgana flew through the air and landed, now in his car form. "You shouldn't throw animals, dammit!" Morgana argued, earning a quiet giggle from (Y/N). "Enough already! Let's get it in, hurry!" (Y/N) exclaimed, rushing over to the pile of gold. With the help of the other Phantom Thieves, they were able to put the huge gold bar into the car before piling in. "Okay! All set!" Ryuji declared, shutting his door closed. Morgana whined in protest, but began driving out of the Palace, avoiding the falling rubble. "Wait! There's no road!" Morgana shouted, not being able to stop in time. The Phantom Thieves screamed as they began falling towards the ground, bracing themselves for the impact.

The group returned to the real world, groaning in pain. "Owwww..." Ann whined, rubbing the back of her leg. "I think I cracked my ass..." Ryuji declared, rubbing his hip. "Ann, are you alright?! Is yours cracked as well?" Yusuke asked, quickly getting up from the ground. (Y/N) stifled a laugh as she let Akira help her up. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly, kissing the top of her head quickly. (Y/N) sent him a weak smile and nodded, opening her mouth to answer when she heard Ann yell. "Of course not!" She exclaimed, her cheeks turning red. "Isn't it supposed to be though?" Makoto asked, placing her finger on her chin in thought. "That's not what I meant!" She exclaimed, her cheeks turning an even brighter red. "More importantly, it's dangerous for us to just charge out like that!" She shouted, (Y/N) nodding in agreement. "Everyone's staring at us..." The (H/C) mumbled, feeling her cheeks flush from embarrassment. The others quickly looked around, noticing they were in fact, being stared at. After a few moments of awkward silence, Makoto spoke up. "At least no one was hurt." She declared, smiling weakly. "I wouldn't say nobody..." Ryuji added, gesturing to the road. The group turned to look where he was, noticing Morgana lying down with a golden briefcase on his head. "That briefcase..." (Y/N) mumbled, tilting her head in confusion. "It appears to have been the cause of Morgana's demise..." Yusuke added, making (Y/N) giggle slightly. "Isn't that Kaneshiro's?!" Ryuji exclaimed. "You mean his treasure?!" Yusuke exclaimed. The group smiled at their victory before Makoto spoke up. "The light's red!" She exclaimed, her eyes widening. Akira began rushing towards the road, grabbing both Morgana and the briefcase.

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