I Didn't Mean To (Fem Reader)

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Disclaimer: I don't own any Persona 5 Characters or the image. I own the plot. I'm sorry if it's not as good as the others, I wrote this with a pounding headache. I know that making an excuse, but I'll do better on the next one!

SLIGHT SPOILERS: There's a spoiler for a request to fufill in Mementos, but nothing major


(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(C/N) = Code Name

 (Y/N) sighed as the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. 'Tomorrow's Sunday, so there's no school! Who even made school on a Saturday anyways?!' She thought, standing up from her desk and stretching. Her stretch was interrupted by someone tickling her sides, making her clutch them as a defense. She whipped her head around, sending a playful glare to the person responsible. "Do that again, and I'm telling Sojiro about that mug you broke." She teased, making her boyfriend raise his hands in defense. "Morgana told me to!" He defended, chuckling quietly as Morgana swatted his neck from inside his bag. "Traitor! Don't throw me under the bus!" Morgana exclaimed, (Y/N) giggling. "Fine. In that case, maybe I can get Sojiro to consider serving cat for a limited time." She declared, smirking in victory as Morgana squealed and returned to hiding in her boyfriend's bag. "So, what's the plan for today?" She asked, grabbing his hand. Akira sent her a small smile as he interlaced their fingers. "I was thinking we could head to Mementos. We got a request, so I want to get that done as soon as possible." He explained, watching as (Y/N)'s smile grew. "Sweet! I've been dying to get some action!" She exclaimed, blushing when she realized her words had a double meaning. "N-not like t-that! N-not any time s-soon, at l-least..." She mumbled, looking anywhere but Akira's direction. Akira smiled slightly at her actions and began leading her to the accessway where their hideout was located.

Once they arrived, Akira sent a text to Ann, Ryuji, and Yusuke asking them to meet at the hideout. They all agreed, saying they would be there as soon as possible. "They're coming. What do you want to do before they arrive?" Akira asked quietly. (Y/N) thought for a few moments, but before she could speak up, Morgana popped his head out of the bag. "I know! We can discuss why Akira is such a traitor!" He declared, earning a glare from Akira. "Or we could discuss how we're gonna make Sojiro serve cat." Akira offered, making (Y/N) giggle at the two boys. "You guys are so dramatic! Morgana, Akira isn't a traitor. He's giving you a home, remember?" (Y/N) reasoned, smiling at the cat. Morgan nodded rapidly, starting to act like a treasure was nearby. "What's wrong with Morgana? Is there a treasure around here?" Ryuji asked, showing up out of nowhere. (Y/N) jumped at the sudden appearance, not expecting him to arrive so quickly. "Holy shit! You scared me!" She exclaimed, lightly smacking the blond's shoulder. Ryuji only laughed, backing up before he could get hit again. "Relax, (Y/N)! You're already on edge, and we haven't even done anything yet!" He declared, making the (H/C) sigh. "I just have a bad feeling." She admitted, looking at the ground awkwardly. Before anyone could say anything else, Ann and Yusuke showed up, meaning all the Phantom Thieves were at the hideout. "Alright leader, we're all here! What's the plan?" Ryuji asked, placing a hand on Akira's shoulder. "We have a request to change the heart of a sadistic girl. We're going to head into Mementos and help her." He explained, the others nodding in agreement. "Sounds good. Let's go!" Ann exclaimed. Akira nodded and the group began to make their way to Mementos.

The Phantom Thieves had finally arrived at the entrance of Mementos. (Y/N) looked down and realized she had already changed into her Metaverse outfit. She was now wearing a black jumpsuit, similar to Ann's. However, her back was open instead of her chest area. Her mask was red and black, resembling a masquerade mask. She was in comfy, black sneakers, perfect for running around in. She was given the codename (C/N), and she adored it. She looked over to her friends, seeing that they were also in their Metaverse outfits. "Alright, listen up." Joker, or Akira said. (Y/N), Panther, or Ann, Skull, or Ryuji, Fox, or Yusuke, and Mona, or Morgana all turned their attention to Akira. "Mona, I want you as our healer for today's mission." He declared, Morgana nodding in agreement. "You can count on me, Joker!" He exclaimed. "(C/N), I want you by my side." (Y/N)'s eyes brightened at her boyfriend's words. "Of course, Joker." She said. When Akira says he wants you by his side, he means he wants you to be his right hand man, his support. "Skull, you'll be our heavy assault." He finished, meaning Ann and Yusuke would be on the sidelines until needed. "Yes sir!" Ryuji exclaimed. "Okay, let's do it!" Akira called, beginning to run into Mementos. The others quickly followed behind their leader.

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