Not Gonna Happen (Fem Reader)

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Disclaimer: I don't own any Persona 5 Characters or the GIF. Sorry this took so long, I got a little carried away and made it longer than the first part.

SPOILER WARNING: This fic contains SPOILERS from the Madarame Arc

Warnings: Language (I think, I can't remember :3)


(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(Y/N/N) = Your Nickname

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

 (Y/N) sighed as she stood at the train station with her boyfriend, Akira, and Morgana. It was the final day of exams, so they were almost free from their living hell. "I can't wait for these stupid exams to be finished!" She exclaimed, unintentionally squeezing Akira's hand. Akira smiled slightly and squeezed back, making the (H/C) blush in embarrassment. All of a sudden, Ryuji walked up to the couple, yawning loudly. "So sleepy..." He complained, rubbing his tired eyes. "Morning, Ryuji." (Y/N) greeted, offering the blond a small smile. "Hey, (Y/N/N). How's things?" He asked, another yawn escaping his mouth. "You seem extra tired. You okay?" She asked, taking a sip from her water bottle. "Were you up late studying?" Akira asked, adjusting his glasses. "Nah, I gave up on the exam. I was playin' some games, then before I knew it, it was morning." Ryuji explained, earning a giggle from (Y/N). "You're failing for sure, Ryuji!" She exclaimed, trying to contain her giggles. "Eh, it's what I always do. No matter how many times I fail, nothing's gonna change." He explained, yawning once again. Before he could say anything else, Ann joined the group, also yawning. "Morning..." She mumbled, rubbing her eyes. (Y/N) smirked at her friend, walking over and giving her a hug. "Yo, look who else is yawning." Ryuji teased, earning a glare from Ann. "Hey! Exams are almost over, so I thought I'd make one last effort across the finish line!" Ann justified, earning a gasp from (Y/N). "That's my best friend!" She replied, slinging an arm around the blonde, who smiled at her in return. "Impressive, Lady Ann. You're quite different from this stupid monkey I know." Morgana commented, popping his head up from Akira's bag. Ryuji frowned and took a step towards Morgana, who screamed and jumped into (Y/N)'s bag. "You wouldn't hurt a lady just to get to me, would you?" Morgana taunted, making Ryuji huff in frustration. "Don't gimme that crap. Your brain's tiny compared to mine!" He argued, causing Akira to sigh in annoyance. "Size is meaningless if there's nothing inside, you know." Morgana teased, earning a giggle from (Y/N). "He's got you there, Ryuji." She commented, fist bumping Morgana to the best of his ability. "What was that?!" Ryuji exclaimed, taking a step towards (Y/N). Ann groaned in frustration and stepped in between the two. "Will you please shut up! You're gonna make me forget everything I memo-" Ann began, but stopped suddenly. She nudged (Y/N) on the shoulder, who nodded in agreement. The two girls froze, confusing the guys. Ann and (Y/N) turned around, causing Morgana to jump back into Akira's bag. "Am I imagining things?" Ann asked, looking at the (H/C) in concern. "No, I felt it too." She replied, both girls now confused. "What's wrong?" Akira asked, placing a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder. "What, you see a groper or something?" Ryuji asked. "No, that's not it..." (Y/N) trailed off, looking towards Ann. "Its...nothing." Ann finished, making Morgana make a sound of disapproval. All of a sudden, the train showed up and the group got on.

The train finally arrived where their destination was, so they got off. (Y/N) quickly grabbed Akira's hand, not wanting to get lost in the crowd. Ann and (Y/N) looked behind themselves in concern, but shook off the feeling and continued walking. The Phantom Thieves got on an escalator and began heading up, (Y/N) and Ann still acting paranoid. Ann grabbed (Y/N)'s arm, pulling her towards herself. She whispered something into (Y/N)'s ear, which the (H/C) agreed to. (Y/N) looked behind the group again, this time making a noise of concern. "Oh my god, that guy got off! Isn't this bad?" She asked the others, Ann nodding in agreement. Ryuji yawned and stretched his arms, not caring about the girls' concerns. "Hey, at least act like you care!" Ann argued, making Ryuji sigh. "Fine... Come on." He replied, walking ahead of the others. Akira quickly followed behind him, Ann and (Y/N) close behind. "Alright, if you two are that worried, we'll catch this guy. Akira and I will stand guard somewhere close by while you two stand out in the open. If anyone approaches you, we'll stop them." Ryuji explained, earning a nod from Akira. "Alright, thanks." (Y/N) replied, grabbing Ann's arm and walking out to the middle of the street. The two girls stood uncomfortably, waiting for something to happen while Ryuji, Akira, and Morgana stood off to the side. "I hear footsteps..." (Y/N) whispered, suddenly feeling nervous. Ann nodded in agreement, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand for support. The footsteps got closer as (Y/N) felt the presence of someone behind her. Before anything could happen, Ryuji and Akira stepped in, creating some distance between the girls and the boy.

Akira Kurusu (Joker) X Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now