Chapter 2: Shopping and Another Dragon

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It was morning, and Drake felt a little cold and opened his eyes and noticed that Tohru was gone.

Drake: Where did she go?

Then an explosion was heard from the kitchen area.

Drake: What the heck was that?!

Drake rushes out of bed and gets to the kitchen and sees Tohru with an embarrassed look on her face, and is also covered in ash.

Tohru: I'm so sorry, Master Drake please forgive me!

The entire Kitchen was burned.

Drake: 'Don't get Drake, don't get mad! This is my fault for not teaching her how to use a stove.' It's fine, Tohru....let's go get some groceries. But first let's clean this place up.


The both of them were walking to the grocery store.

Drake: So, what made you think a kitchen fire was a good idea?

Tohru: It was more of an instinct than a plan.

Drake: You do know the stove makes fire right?

Tohru: Yes, but I didn't think it was strong enough.

Drake: Strong enough to do what incinerate the entire kitchen?! I fear you may have actually have brain damage, Tohru.

Tohru felt offended.

Tohru: I do not!

Drake: -_- I beg to differ!

They arrived at the Oborozuka Shopping District, but Drake kept walking which confused Tohru.

Tohru: Wait, aren't we going to the shopping district?

Drake: You mean you don't go to the supermarket over there?

Tohru: No, that place feels like a castle it completely freaks me out

Drake: 0_0 Castle?

Tohru: Yes, and the whole thing's white too. Givers me flashbacks to run ins with crusaders paces.

Drake: That's unfortunate.

To make Tohru feel comfortable Drake decided to go to the shopping district with her.

Tohru: The shopping district more like a guild's bazaars, it's a little better.

Drake: So you shop based on dragon PTSD, good to know.

They first go to Toda Fresh Seafood.

Drake: You wanna start by picking up some fish?

Tohru: Sure!

???: Tohru, what's up?!

Tohru: Good to see you, Mr Toda.

Toda: You're normally out here alone aren't you? Is he a new friend?

Tohru: No he's my Master.

Drake: Hi, my name is Drake Marvel.

Toda: Tohru's a pretty funny lady, huh? We got some good mackerel in today sound good?

Tohru: Sounds great! Can I have those and two dry jack mackerel.

Toda: Coming up.

They left to keep looking for food.

Drake: He gave us an extra filet of mackerel!

Tohru: Wasn't that sweet of him?

Dragon Maid: Grandson Of The Omni Dragon God (Discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora