J-Hope didn't miss a single step while he danced. Ever since he stepped on stage, he had identified a faint feeling of hope building within him. It was enough to help him forget his worry and focus on performing. Similarly, Jungkook was back to hitting all his notes, a feeling of joy lingering underneath the normal emotions he had when performing for ARMY. Namjoon was back to his normal self, a rap god, after a deep sense of caring washed over him as he stepped on stage.

They weren't the only ones. If they had all communicated there and then they might have realised sooner what it was that they were all feeling. Yet, it wasn't until later near the end of the concert, when they broke off individually to interact with ARMY, that a discovery was made.

Jimin was on stage when he felt it. A warm, comforting feeling like someone had wrapped their arms around him in a hug. He glanced out into the crowd. They must be out there. Jimin could barely control his excitement and focus on his performance.

It was the second half of the concert and all the members were spread around the stages, interacting with ARMY. Jimin debated whether he should inform the other members of his discovery, or if he should wait until they are backstage again.

He forced himself to move on from this section of the stage and he felt the warmth fade. As he crossed paths with Yoongi he gestured for him to remove his earpiece before whispering in his ear.

"I can feel them. Somewhere over there."

Yoongi raised his eyebrows and gave Jimin a nod before heading over to where Jimin had been. He tried not to react as a feeling of peace washed over him. A relaxing, content feeling, as if all his worries had disappeared. He too searched the crowd. I will find you. Yoongi almost forgot he was meant to be giving a performance until someone nudged him.

Yoongi looked round to find Jin beside him with a concerned expression. He gave him a nod to show he was fine and watched as Jin's expression changed to one of shock. Jin felt it too.

Jin was staring at Yoongi who had seemed distracted when a feeling of joy overcame him, and he could've sworn he heard a faint laugh echoing in his ears. Yoongi nodded at him and walked away as Jin looked out into the crowd. I can't wait to make you laugh. The sudden absence of music brought him out of his trance and Jin realised that the song had ended.

The other members are going to be so excited.


When they were all together backstage getting ready for the encore Jimin asked Yoongi if he had felt them. The older member broke out into one of his signature gummy smiles before replying.

"Yes. Yes, I did. Hyung?"

"You mean, you both felt something too? I was afraid I was dreaming it."

Jimin reached over to Jin and placed his hand on the side of his face, his thumb rubbing Jin's cheek and smiling up at him reassuringly.

"It wasn't a dream."

Jin's whole body sagged in relief and his head fell forward so he was resting forehead to forehead with Jimin. He took a shaky breath and closed his eyes in an attempt to keep the tears at bay. I can't believe we really found them.

"What wasn't a dream, Hyung?"

"We felt our soulmate, Kookie. We have found them."

Jungkook's eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped in shock for a second before a giant bunny grin took over.


Not looking for an answer the youngest member began jumping around the room, like the bunny he was often described as, hugging, shaking and hitting his Hyungs in excitement.

"We found them! We found them! Hyungs, we found them!"

Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung looked to the other three members for confirmation.

"2 minutes!"

At the staff member's call, the members were brought back to the task at hand.

"Right, so after out encore we'll be meeting our soulmate. I realise this might be hard, but until then focus on the performance. Remember they will be watching, so let's make sure they enjoy themselves. Okay?"

"Namjoon-Hyung, is the meet and greet all organised?"


"I have a feeling you should check."

All the members now had full faith in Taehyung's 'feelings', so Namjoon immediately approached one of their managers to ask. The other members watched anxiously as Namjoon frowned and then began to gesture wildly while talking to the manager. After he made his way back over to them, they all gazed up at him expectantly.

"Someone messed up. No one told our soulmate about the meet and greet when they arrived."

There was a pause while all the boys just stared at Namjoon in disbelief.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!"

Everyone watched as the one member who never lost his cool or raised his voice began his rant. Jin didn't even reprimand Yoongi for his language.

"How many concerts have we done so far with no problem? Why did they have to mess up today, of all days why today?!"

Taehyung walked over to Yoongi and wrapped his Hyung in a hug.

"What happened to your faith in fate?"

Yoongi's lips twitched as his own words were repeated back to him and he ruffled the younger boy's hair.

"10 seconds!"

"They promised to fix it."

"They better."

Yoongi muttered as all the boys dashed off to get on stage.

Wait for us.

An Indescribable FeelingWhere stories live. Discover now