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A/N: I did not proof read this. And yes, I saw your tweet @/deiamacedo, here you go.

PS: I'm reposting this since I've been told there was an error on the comment session.


"Karlie, I just need you to give me a date for when we're getting back to our activities, the-"

"I don't know, Josh. I get that we need to reopen the store, but I don't feel like rushing for now."

Joshua offers me a concerned stare through the screen of my laptop. We decided to have this meeting in order to talk about our plans for the next months in our business. It was no secret to anyone that he was a big partner on my projects, such as Karlie's Cookies and my educational initiatives for girls.

We also were great friends above all, what made us a good duo in business.

"I know that, and I don't want to rush anything either. It's just-" he runs his hand through his hair and lets out a sigh, "You know how much pressure it is to deal with investors."

"I get it," I give him an apologetic smile, trying to think of a way to grant us at least more time to take any decisions. They wanted us to get back to normal now that the cases in NYC were dropping, but I still didn't think it was the time to do it. "When's the next meeting with them?"

"Uh, next Monday, I think."

"Okay, let's line up our strategy, we can propose to open the stores on September."

"That's too far, there's no way-"

"Exactly, so they'll whine about it and we'll end up compromising to reopen next month."

Josh smiles down at his notebook as he writes something.

"You're a genius."

The meeting goes smoothly and we allow ourselves to chatter about life once we've already addressed all of the important issues. Josh's eyes almost pop out when I mention a certain temporary roommate, but he quickly smirks at me, already knowing all the implications of Taylor's presence here for so long.

Thankfully, he doesn't strafes me with questions, although I know I'll have a lot to explain once we get to hang out again.

I close my laptop and set aside my notes to change into jogging clothes. It was still nine in the morning, so I figured it would be good to exercise a little. Grabbing my phone, I walk out of the room and instantly hear an unknown melody coming from the hallway.

"You can read between the lines, so I don't have to tell you what I want- no..." Taylor's voice is low and a little unsure as if she's trying to fit words into the rhythm of her strums. I walk silently to see her sitting on the bed with a guitar on her lap. "You're reading between my every line and I don't ever have to say a word, I don't need to..."

She scribbles down on the notebook in front of her and goes back to strumming.

"Spent the night drawing figures on the constellations of your skin,
Think I might ask the real stars if you can see
I'm falling slowly and deep into your ocean green
It's taking over me and I can't seem to swim..."

I don't notice that I have a stupid smile plastered on my face until Taylor turns slightly on her spot and I force myself to hide from her view. My heart is racing at the words sung and something warm spreads all over my body.

Still, I take a step back and decide to give back Taylor her privacy as I walk out of the apartment.


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