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Karlie's POV

"Taylor, what the fuck are you doing here? We're in quarantine!" I glare at the blonde, who's dropping a handbag on my couch, "Self isolation, remember?"

"I know, I know!" She doesn't mind me staring as she takes her shoes off and leaves them near the door. 

I stare at her completely stunned as the blonde walks around my apartment, hooking her jacket on the rack and throwing her backpack and herself on the sofa as if she were returning home from a trip.

The nerve.

When it becomes clear that she didn't plan on giving me any explanation, I clear my throat drawing her attention from my Spotify playlists that she was snooping on the TV.

I try not to get distracted by those blue eyes and innocent smile.

"What are you doing here, Taylor?"

She sighs.

"One of my neighbors tested positive for corona and there's no way in hell I would stay in that building to die." I look at her in shock, "I couldn't go to my parents, cause what if I'm asymptomatic and I end up killing one of them, God forbid!"

She must be joking.

"So you can infect me??"

"Oh, please! Karlie, you're healthier than Superman. The virus should be fearing you, not the other way around."

"That's..." I try to think ways to kill her right there that wouldn't involve spilling blood on my couch, "That is not how it works!"

"I'm sorry, I had nowhere else to go!" She pleads, "I was just being precautious."

"You were being irresponsible. I could very much get the virus from you now!"

"Oh, relax, I'm not sick. I got tested." She dismisses me with a hand, "I didn't touch anything and I did use a mask all the way over here."

I sigh. There was no point in arguing right now, she was already here. If I get the corona, then I get the corona.

Taylor reaches for her bag to get her phone charger. She plugs it on and sits back comfortably on the couch. 

She notices my staring and offers me a sweet smile that makes her eyes shrink a little. It makes me feel a bit guilty for the way I was treating her. Taylor was completely alone in her apartment, I knew that even her cats were away in Nashville with her parents. She left them there during her last trip and when she came back it was already quarantine season.

Taylor was in a far worse position than mine and I can't imagine how terrifying it must be when someone has been infected a few flights of stairs away from you. And on top of all that, here I was acting like a dick when my best friend needed me the most.

Besides, I wasn't in the mood to reject good company either.

I take a deep breath and I slump down on the couch next to her. I look at her expecting her to look back, but her eyes are trained on the TV.

"I can't believe that we elected a clown." She breathes out and I finally pay attention to what she was looking at, "Like literally, a clown."

I take the remote from her hands and change the channel, making her protest for interrupting the news.

"You are going to take a shower and change, I'll get you some blankets and pillows for the night."

She seems to want to protest, but my gaze is enough to make her settle down.

Quarantine - {Kaylor}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu