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The sun shone brightly that morning, waking me up as its light invaded my room through the windows whose curtains I had forgotten to close the night before. I sit up on the bed and stretch my arms slowly with a lazy yawn. The brightness makes me squint my eyes a little, but it seems to be a beautiful day and I feel energized.

I walk to the bathroom to do my usual hygiene routine and I don't mind the cold water on my skin. I dry my face in a towel and smile at the mirror when I see my features still a little swollen in sleep, matching my messy bun.

I look hot today, huh?

After moisturizing, I head to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I hear the sound of the shower as I walk down the hall, signaling that Taylor would join me later. This is good, at least I have time to surprise her with fresh food.

I'm pouring the rest of the pancake batter into the pan when my cell phone rings announcing a video call. I roll my eyes with a smile before answering.

"Cara Delevingne."

"Karlie Kloss." She smirks. "You look hot today, huh?"

"Right? I thought so, too." I joke, still blushing a little at the compliment. "How is everything over there?"

"Great. Perfect. Couldn't be better."

I look at the screen and find Cara gazing at a specific spot, her eyes looking a little dreamy. I flip the pancake on the pan and continue to watch my friend.

"What did you do?" I ask in an accusing tone.

"I did nothing."

I keep looking at her with inquisitive eyes until I notice someone climbing on her bed, making the mattress wobble. Cara smiles at Martha, who doesn't notice the ongoing video call, and just has time to ask a soft "what?" before being crushed by the blonde, receiving a firm kiss from the girl, that's interrupted by their laughter.

I watch the scene with wide eyes until Cara drops the phone on the bed while trying to dodge the insistent kisses, the camera only shows me the ceiling until she finally manages to recover the device.

"Karlie just saw us making out," she says and Martha's eyes widen, giving a surprised laugh.

"Hi, Kar..." The girl lies on Cara's back, who is now face down on the bed. Just by looking at her through the camera, I could tell she was already well recovered from the virus. My friend looked well rested, which was a huge relief.

"Hello..." I shake my head confusedly, making the two of them laugh with amusement at my shock. I transfer the last pancake to the plate and turn off the stove to finally ask, "What's happening? Are you guys happening??"

"Not in the way you're thinking," Martha assures with a laugh.

"Yeah, we're not dating or anything."

I still look at them suspiciously.

"Look, I'm not gonna lie, you know I've been into Mar for a while, but we never hooked up, unfortunately." Cara explains and Martha smiles at her. "And then suddenly we were stuck in this apartment alone, with no forecast of leaving. A woman has needs, Karlie!"

"Tell me about it ..." I mumble.

"Well, so I wanted to kiss her, she wanted to kiss me. We just killed two birds with one stone."

"Yes, why shouldn't we have fun together?" Martha wiggles her eyebrows and takes a light bite of the girl's shoulder. "No strings attached, just fun."

We continued talking for a few more minutes and I found myself studying my friends' behavior closely. They seemed well and looked very happy with it, that's for sure. It didn't seem like things were weird or their friendship had changed.

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