"Hey Jack. I want to go to the mall and don't tell Siddharth until we reach the mall okay?" I said. 

"Yes ma'am," he nodded and started his SUV. The three guards are actually very friendly even though they look tough outside. They are one of the few who I became friends with on the first day we met. But, also they do not cross their professional line. They still address me ma'am even after I told them so many times to call me Ananya. I give up after many tries.

It was a 7-seater SUV, so Gilbert sat at the very end, with me in the middle. Jack was driving and Ben was sitting in the passenger seat. It is weird to address Indians with English names but I think they are used to it. They do have family, but doesn't talk much about it. I think they don't even talk much to the clients. The first day when I started talking as if we were long-lost friends, they were shocked.

Soon, we arrive at the shopping mall. Yay, it is really uncomfortable sitting in one position for so long. I kind of have an idea on what to gift him, but I am worried whether it will make him happy or not. I obviously want to buy him something he likes. I just knew after the trip that it is his birthday. I mean, how could I possibly decide what to buy in such a short notice?

But, I knew he liked music. There was this one time, he was telling me he likes to play guitar and piano. He also said he had a guitar, until one day Abhi broke it. Don't even ask how, Abhi literally jumped on it and broke it to the point of no repair. So, I thought I could buy him another guitar. I don't know how good of an idea it is.

I finally made my mind and went to the instrument shop. I went in and searched for the guitar session. I scanned through all the guitars. I don't know much about guitar, so I asked the shopkeeper which one he suggests for me to buy. He pointed to a guitar at the end of the shelf, and explained something about how it works, something I didn't understand a bit. I just know it looked good.

I asked the shopkeeper whether or not I could return it if Siddharth doesn't like it or something

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I asked the shopkeeper whether or not I could return it if Siddharth doesn't like it or something. He said I should return before one week. I thanked him and got out of the shop with the guitar in its bag. There is no way I could wrap this without giving away what it is, so I decided to just leave it like that. 

I really really hope he likes it.

I felt my stomach growl and I realized I am famished. 

"Keep the guitar in the car. Don't tell Siddharth about this. It is his birthday present. I am going to find some food," I said to Jake and hand him the guitar. He walked away with the guitar and Gilbert and Ben stayed with me. I went to the direction of the food court. It was crowded as usual. 

I was really impatient to have my food, until I met the familiar pair of blue eyes. It didn't surprise me seeing her here, after all it is a free country. But, when I notice who she was sitting with, I froze.

What is Priya doing with....Sanjeev?

I froze in my place seeing both of them conversing like they knew each other for so long. They looked like they were having pretty serious conversation.

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