Chapter 27

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This was boring. Laying on this stupid table being prodded as Vanessa laid in the nude. "Yo, how long will this take? I'm not real into being exposed like this." Doctor Smiley chuckled as Masky cleaned her stitches. "Then maybe you should stop getting into dangerous situations where people shoot you." "Well people should stop shooting at me." The cat scoffed. "What if I was just some kink-tastic chick lookin to get some? He'd be a murderer." "Killer of a killer. How quaint."

Vanessa cringed at the tugging feeling of thread. "Whatever. When do I get to go out and do things again?" Masky tapped his chin, realizing he hadn't given that much thought. "When the stitches heal and are taken out. Wouldn't want you to open the wound." She groaned. "That fucking sucks. How long will that take?" Doctor Smiley chuckled. "About a month or so."

"A month! Are you serious? Come on Doc, tell me you're joking!" She sat up, throwing off the tools that were laid upon her stomach. "That is literal bullshit."


Splendor shushed the others. "My brother should be returning soon enough." They nodded. Sally hummed quietly as she brushed Toby's mess of hair. "That's good. But why did Papa Slender leave?" The others tensed. "He uh... he went to get rid of the man that hurt Vanessa." E. J. mumbled. "Oh. So that bad man's going away?" "Yeah. He won't be hurting anyone ever again."

Toby sighed. His earlier episode was out of line. He just had these pent up emotions. Anger, fear, worry. It made him see red through his goggles. Masky walked into the room. "You may see her now. But no one is to let her out of the mansion."

Toby was first to go see her, kissing her face and whispering a few sorry's. Vanessa pat his face and told him it was okay. Then Ben laid with her, and the gossiped about what they heard throughout the house. Talked about their partners. And even spoke if who would look cute with who. "I'm still waiting for Slender and Offender to give into incest." Vanessa gagged a bit. "Valerie would flip her shit."

Jane came later to visit. She brought Sally, who became bored and left. Jane and her spoke idly, and before the dark eyes girl left she pressed a black kiss to Vanessa's forehead. E.J. Told Vanessa about Slender going and killing the man who shot her. About Toby's rage. Vanessa hugged her pal. "He's emotional alright." Jack just handed her a stuffed pig and walked out.

The sun began to set, casting the sky in orange and pink. Vanessa finally settled in her room. She stood in front of her new mirror, staring at the stitches and how they looked so snug and safe in her side. It scared her a bit to have something in her flesh. Something she'd have to get used to. She began to contemplate ways to heal faster when Valerie knocked on her open door.

"Hey sis." She mumbled. She looked tired. Scared even. "Oh. Hey Val." Vanessa smoothed her shirt to cover herself. Valerie rubbed her shoulder. "You feeling okay?" Is it wrong to lie to someone who could break at the truth? "Yeah, I'm okay." They stood in silence, the sound of breathing in the room. "You know he still loves you." Valerie murmured. "What?" "Slender. He still loves you. Still worries over you." Vanessa sat on the edge of her bed, staring at her feet. "He doesn't love me." Valerie sat with her. "Yeah he does. He killed that guy for-." "I didn't need him to do that. I could have killed him myself."

The twins sat in silence. "Maybe, maybe he just did it so everyone stopped saying he didn't care." Vanessa whispered. "But I know he doesn't love me. He just keeps me around because he's used to me. He can't get rid of me." Valerie sighed. "He loves you Vanessa. I know he does." "Well maybe I know more than you, sis. Because I'm nothing but a toy to him." She laid back. "He does-. "No. He doesn't. End of story, end of conversation." The silence hung there, taunting them with it's presence. "I think you should go." And go she did.

A/N: If you'd like to have your own character in this story please direct message me an give me a brief description [ name, background, how they became creepypasta, etc.] Thank you.

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