Chapter 3

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Vanessa woke up in Slender's arms. She looked around and saw she was on the couch with him. It had been a week since she became are part of the whole stealing lives things. Her feelings for Slenderman were still shakey. She'd be lying if she said that she didn't like him, but it wouldn't be truthful to say she wants a relationship. She just didn't know what to do.

Slender had introduced her to some of his friends. There were the Jacks (Laughing and Eyeless), Jeff (who had already earned the nickname Jeffy), Jane (who is now Janey), Ben, and Sally. Each of the others had shared their stories of how they became what they were. Each one made Vanessa either cry or want to. Sally's made her lock herself in the bathroom and throw up. She hated that man. They all asked what her story was. "I mean if you have one. Or did Slender just decide to keep you?" Jane asked.

"There isn't really a story. My life, at least I think, was normal." She replied. "There has to be something that could drive your hunger for life, other than the fact you would lose yours." Ben stated. Vanessa decided she's tell them her life. It couldn't hurt, right?

"Okay, well when I was born I was put up for adoption. Not really put up, though. My parents left me there. I guessed it was probably due to my ears. They didn't want to raise a freak, I guess. So I went to Mr. Fintgers. He was what you'd call a bad man. He didn't touch me like the older girls. Mainly because they wouldn't let him. They gave theirselves to keep a four year old safe. My best friend at the time would sneak out of her room if she heard him walking near my door. She'd stop him, but of course, was hurt herself. I sometimes heard them. Her cries." Vanessa was almost crying now, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "I wish more than anything I could have helped her. She was eventually adopted, but shortly after she had commited suicide. When I heard I locked myself in my room and didn't eat for two weeks. I thought it was my fault. By now most of the girls who tried to protect me were old enough to live on their own. It was my thirteenth birthday. He came to my room, saying he had a present for me. He pushed me against a wall and tried to pull my pants off." Jeff tensed up, seeming angry. "But before he could I kneed him in the groin. We had been learning self defense in school. I ran away. As far as I could get. That was a little more than three years ago."

Slender walked in. "It's getting dark. We should be going soon since you seem to hunt better in the dark." She nodded. " 'Kay Slendy." The other's stood and their bodies began to form into there 'hunting' uniforms. Vanessa sighed. She felt her body twitch and soon enough she was wearing a red baseball cap, black sweatshirt, black jeans, red shoes, and a grey back pack.

They all went through the portal that lead to Earth. "So Nessy, is hunting fun yet, or no?" Jane asked. " Um it's just okay. I mean, it does give me a chance to release my inner sadist I guess. I'm not a liar, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it, just a little." Jane smiled. " Good. I was worried how it was going for you." Vanessa nodded. " Okay. Slendy, who's on the hit list tonight? Or do I finally get to just find an unlucky sucker like the rest of you?" He put a hand on his forehead. " It isn't that easy. You're still new to this. I don't want you getting hurt by a bystander playing hero."

She allowed her claws to extend from her finger tips. She placed a tip of one on his shoulder and gently traced down his arm. Slender shuddered. " I always know just how to make you tick." She smirked. " So you'll watch me. Make sure I choose wisely and stuff like that. And if it gets hairy, I highly doubt you'll let me get hurt." He grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer. " Fine. We'll see how you do."

Not truly human( A Creepypasta fanfiction )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora