Chapter 19

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A week had gone by. Valerie had gotten her own room across the hall from Vanessa's. Her room, which was unlike her twins black, red, and purple, was a bright mix of pink, yellow, and sky blue. Vanessa had felt such pride to see her sister's first kill. the terror on the man's face. the sadistic smirk on Val's. Yes, so very proud.

But there was one thing about Valerie, one tiny detail that drove Vanessa up a wall. She had started showing affection towards, well, everyone, She was becoming the other Sun other than Sally. it made Vanessa, jealous? Yes. Very jealous.

But twins were supposed to alike. Right? Valerie was super outgoing. She was beautiful, had fine golden hair, ears, and tail. A killer smile. She was perfection. And Vanessa? She wasn't. She was... abnormal.

Now being jealous is completely juvenile. But, what isn't? Slender liked Valerie. Jane liked her, Ben, Jeff, E.J., L.J., even Toby. In her mind she had been replaced. She was no longer new. She was used. She was alone. Alone with her knives, her claws, her pain killers.

No. I can't be weak. I can't look weak. I've been clean. I've done well. But I miss the pain. Vanessa thought locking her bedroom door and staring at her reflection. Disgusting. Weak. Fool. She just kept beating herself lower. She kept knocking down that confidence. Confidence? What's that? Exactly.

Sure having a twin was cool. But one who is better than you in every way, it was awful. Vanessa kept staring at the mirror, hating what she saw. She swung her fist. Beautiful. Shards of glass cutting her hand, arms, face. It was as lovely as snow. The red from her knuckles, so red, so perfect.

"Vanessa, what was that sound?" Sally asked peeking in. She gasped. "Vanessa! Y-your hand!" "It's fine Sally." "You're bleedi-" "I said I'm. Fine." Vanessa sighed. " I'm sorry, just, just go play dolls or something." Sally whimpered. "You're sad." Vanessa pulled her hand off the mirror, blood and glass falling to the ground.

"Sweet, sweet Sally. If only the way I felt could be summed up to the word sad. I'm crushed. Destroyed. Just like this mirror. But you're only six. So I guess you can say I'm sad. Very, very sad." Vanessa stared at we hand. "Now please, go."

Sally ran down the stairs to Slender's office. "Papa Slender!" she cried. "What is it, Sally?" Sally stared at him. "Vanessa did it again. She punched her mirror. She says she's sad. She's bleeding. She needs to talk to Masky again."


Slender stormed into Vanessa's room. The curtains were billowing against the night wind. There was a note on the bed. 'Went out. Don't. Wait. Up.'

Valerie knocked on the door frame. "Is everything okay?" she asked. "Vanessa went out. But only left a note." Valerie's face paled. "Don't. Wait. Up." "What?" "She wrote it didn't she? That's our code. If anything is wrong. She's killing. Either someone else or,"

She paused looking down. "Or what? Valerie?" Valerie gulped. "Herself."

Not truly human( A Creepypasta fanfiction )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz