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got tagged by @fangirler816 leggo I have to do 20 facts about me

1. My wall is covered in Black Butler posters (not really there's only 2 but shh)

2. Most of my teachers hate me.

3. If I counted how many books are in my Wattpad library, I'd die in every sense.

4. The only makeup I wear on a regular basis is eyeliner and I always put on too much.

5. I have a Grell Sutcliff cosplay which took ages to save up for and about a month to get delivered, maybe I'll post it here someday.

6. My idea of a perfect day: anything as long as I get to sleep in and wear my pj's all day.

7. I hate being by myself because there's too many people I don't want to run into without backup.

8.  I used to be super sporty (I did football, tennis, long jump amd endurance running) I have no idea what happened to be honest

9. When I get older, I might cut my hair short and dye it different colours.

10. Tumblr ruined me

11.  There's this one anon user who spams my Tumblr with about ten memes a day, thanks for educating me if it's one of you.

12. I spend most of my life in my room, either on my phone or having anime marathons. Often both.

13. I've run out of facts, can I give up yet?

14. I'll take that as a no, then.

15. My dirty laundry always gets thrown on the floor. Always.

16. I got into Corpse Party a few days ago hhholy shit it's messed up but I still love it

17. All my friends are huge emos.

18. I'll stay quiet for a while if you give me any issue of Kerrang! magazine or a new anime title for me to watch.

19. I'm always hungry and always tired.

20. Almost all of my Japanese OCs have some really messed up event in their history.

//I really should have got this done waaaaay sooner, sorry but hey look how weird I am

Tag @LillyCipher1006 , @RuetheShinyEevee and @XxYellowSolaxX

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