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What time is it?


I'm sorry for being offline for so long. It's a normal explanation, the unfinished homework on my desk and family time. And yes Lilly, it's a thing. ITS A YAW ^.^

So what's the contest for? Well, the account known as iismoaneh has existed for a WHOLE YEAR! Isn't that awesome? Everything is awesome! LEGO movie reference ^.^

So, to celebrate, I will be writing a new story! Let me give you the description!

2001. March the ninth. The day that Thomas and April Yates were killed and their baby daughter Shina was taken. But they forgot about one thing - or person - Shaun Yates, the eleven year-old son of the Yates family.

Thirteen years later, in 2014, Shina has been raised by her kidnapper - to be a criminal. Shaun, however, has joined the police force, and is seeking revenge on his past. Both the Yates siblings have only one thing in common - they forgot each other.

When you reach a fork in the road, you don't know which path will take you where until you see for yourself...

So... like it? Here's where the contesty part begins!

1. Think of a name for the story. You can choose anything you feel is right.

2. Create a cover for the story. I'm leaving all the ideas up to you. Again, choose what you feel is right.

3. E-mail it to me. For privacy reasons, please ask over PM for my e-mail address. Tell me your e-mail too, so that I know who it's from.

4. MAKE SURE IT REACHES ME BY THE DEADLINE! It MUST be sent by April 24th. Please tell me over PM if you have sent it so that I can check it successfully reached me.

The winner will recieve:

- A follow from me (if I haven't done this already)

- A chapter dedication

- The choice to have their OC put in any one of my books (excluding the Book of Insanity, since it's not really a book)

- A new friend ♥

- Ten votes on anything

I'm sure all of you want to kill me for there being one winner. So, anyone who enters will recieve the choice to have an OC put in any one of my books! You can also have me as a friend ♥ FRIENDSHIP :D

Anyway... I hope you enjoy thinking of a title and making a cover! I look forward to seeing the results!

From a very happy iismoaneh / Rhiannon / Bitch / Goldfish / <enter funny nickname>

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