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alright so irs super early jere in england. excuse ny terribkr typos. im very tire.d mup, here's a storey.

hydra was a hybrid of a water dragon and a hunan living in the peacfull lan of minecrafyia. the humans didnt wat her because she was scaru and the water dragons laughed at herb ecause she has no powers. she was also very bipolarm

one day she was colouring with her brother jimmy. suddenly she jumped up and tried to shobe a crayon down his throat. he died from chokingm it was very sad.

then she went to the human land and derpedm stuff caught fire. water dragons hate fire. she flew away from the burning land.

tom the minecraftian was in the garden when suddenly his lawn caught fire. damn watre dargons, he thoight. for revenge, he poured a crap tpn of gadoline into the water. it caught fire and went kaboom. all rhe water creatures died including hydra. the end

storoes in the early hours make everything better.

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