Update! UPDATE! [Actually a Rant.]

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Yep, you read the title.

I hate it when people comment stuff like that on anything I write. They don't talk about what happened in the chapter, what they're enjoying, what they don't like about the story. Hell, I could go on for a long time about things people don't do in the comments.

No, none of that. Instead I just get people screaming at me to update, no matter whether I did it three hours or three months ago. Like, did you even appreciate the chapter at all? Did you even read it? And it's not just on my books, either- it's all over Wattpad. On fanfictions, sci-fi, general fiction... sometimes I see idiots say it on COMPLETED STORIES. If you're going to ask for another update, at least do it nicely.

Just stop, guys. Stop making everyone's work go unappreciated. I won't name names, you should know who you are.

That got really long... but anyway, I've been on Wattpad for two years now. Holy crap, guys! Thanks for everything you've done for me over the years! ^-^ Love you all! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

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