Sunflower: Leon Kuwata x Reader

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**I changed up a few parts**

You stood in the auditorium, shocked to find out that this was a killing game. What kind of sick fuck would do something like this? You couldn't believe your eyes and ears...there was no way that this could be real. Everyone else seemed genuinely shocked as well, so it meant no one else knew about this. You sighed softly and thought about sticking together with everyone, no one had to kill right? Weeks went by and you got to know everyone, well mostly everyone. You liked to hang around Leon a lot, he was really cute. What was your ultimate? Super high school level sweetheart. Yep, you were the sweetest and kindest student, though you didn't consider it a talent. It was something that everyone should be. You weren't exactly innocent, you cussed and did have dirty thoughts but your kind personality shone through most of the time. You watched as Leon sang by himself in the cafeteria. He had some serious talent, you knew that he wanted to be a musician and not a baseball player. You supported that, every time he doubted himself you were there. There was only one thing that broke be your sweet self, and that was Sayaka. You didn't like how he seems hung up on her. She wasn't unlikable, and that's what made it worse for you. Your jealousy clashed with your kindness and it was beginning to become a problem. That was until Sayaka killed herself. Leon was blamed for it, considering he was planning on visiting her late at night...wonder why, you thought sarcastically, but right now you needed to prove his innocence. You ended up right, along with Makoto and the trial was dismissed. It turned out Sayaka had planned on killing Leon as well, but it didn't work out that way. You felt horrible for Leon, he lost someone he cared about and found out her true nature. That was harsh, so you walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Leon, hey... I'm sorry for your loss." Honestly, everyone could see that you didn't like her very much, despite trying to hide it. And it had shocked them considering who you were.

"It's okay, (y/n)... I'm..just surprised that it came to this." He murmured, and you nod slowly, walking with him as he talked his feelings out with you. And so you guys began to get even closer now, he seemed to rely on your kind words and shoulder to lean on. You didn't mind though, he meant the world to you. One day, he  couldn't find you and got hadn't been around all day, and he didn't want you to go without eating so he went to find you. He was extremely worried that you would be dead, he didn't trust Byakuya much.  But instead he found you singing a song for him? It was a love song, except you changed the name to his. A smile found its way on his face. He should have realized that you loved him. You loved him all along. As you finished up, you turned around shocked to hear him clapping. "That was very lovely, sunflower." The nickname made you blush deeply, and you wanted to escape. But he trapped you in a corner, tilting your head up so you looked at him. "Hm, do you really feel that way?" He teased lightly, the light in his eyes when he looked at you gave you the confidence to tell him how you really felt inside.

"I..I love you Leon and I don't want to go out without telling you how I feel...if we make it out, I'd love to be there by your side." Your face was burning hot as it was bright red, and he leaned in to kiss you softly. Your first kiss.

"I love you too, (y/n)..and I'm sorry I didn't realize that sooner but now I'll be here for you. No matter what!" He grinned as he tucked loose strands of your hair behind your head. Turns out you made it, together, as well as Makoto, Kirigiri, Byakuya and Toko..the world was nothing compared to having the love of your life beside you.

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