☁️Chasing Kokichi: Tall!Reader x Kokichi fluff ☁️

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**So I seen a couple people say they were taller than him so let's goooo. This will be fluff, unless you wanted lemon then let me know!**

No one understood why you liked hanging around t lying little gremlin that is called Kokichi. And to be honest, you didn't understand either. You just feel like everyone deserves a chance to have a friend. He seemed like he needed one more than anyone, he was always pranking and making up stuff but you could see that he was just lonely. He didn't know how to act, so you thought maybe if you got close to him, then he'll be nicer or understand better why he shouldn't do that to the people around him. Especially when they found out it's a killing game! Sighing, you closed up your journal and looked up at the clock. It was about lunch time, so you might as well head down there. Who were you? You were (Y/N), ultimate protagonist. It didn't make sense to you, but apparently you were so kind and compassionate that they decided that was your ultimate. At least you had an ultimate, but right about now you wished you didn't. You were so busy lost in thought that you didn't see the purple haired prankster in front of you, so you tripped, but luckily caught yourself. "Oh hey Kokichi, didn't see you there." You giggled, you enjoyed teasing him about his height. See, you were much taller than him, so he got even more heated when it came to you teasing him.

"Not funny, (y/n)! That's really mean!" He fake cries, making you double over in laughter. Honestly, Kokichi loved seeing you laugh. You had an amazing, bright laugh that could make the saddest man grin. Lately he had been feeling odd around you, and he didn't know what it was. He wished he hadn't been mean to the others now, as he'd love to talk to another guy about this. Or anyone, that's not you. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of you, his real friend. You straightened out and walked with him to the lunch room. You saw everyone else gathering and waved at them happily. They didn't have a problem with you, they liked you! Perks of being the protagonist? You shrugged and went to get your lunch, as well as waiting for Kokichi.

"Come on now, shorty. Might wanna move your little legs faster. Today we're sitting by Shuichi and Kaede!" Kokichi felt a bit nervous about this, but maybe you could help him begin to interact with the others. You grinned and sat down your tray before sitting yourself. You looked at Kokichi and patted the seat next to you. Swallowing his nerves, he sat next to you, but may have sat too close as he was practically your second body. "Haha, Kokichi come on now!" You teased lightly, and he moved away slightly, looking down.

"Hm, well he seems different around you (y/n)! You must really be something! I'm glad to see him wanting to change!" You nod and smile warmly, taking a bite of your food and enjoying the company. But throughout the time you were eating, you noticed Kokichi had become eerily silent. Was he upset at you?

"Kokichi are you okay?" You asked with slight fear that he'll lash out at you. Even though you guys had rarely fought seriously, you still feared that he was just trying to pretend to be your friend. He looked up and his face was bright red. He had been lost in his thoughts about you to realize he hadn't said anything! Oops!

"Nishi~ of course I'm okay! Hehe, sorry I got lost in thought beautiful!" Your eyes widened as he said that, making your face turn brighter than a tomato. Your two friends were staring at him as well, hoping that he wasn't messing with your feelings. Both Kaede and Shuichi could see that you liked him a lot, more than friends. It was practically shining around you though they doubted the both of you knew that fact.

"B-beautiful huh?!" You exclaimed with a high pitched voice, seemingly embarrassed at being complimented. Kokichi decided to take this opportunity to admit his feelings. Despite the fear of rejection, he pulled up close to your face and kissed you. Your first kiss!!! Your eyes fluttered shut as you both kissed before pulling away, the two of you bright red, Kaede giggling at how cute that moment was.

"So, when's the wedding Nishi ishi~" Kokichi...you groaned but smiled warmly at him, the feeling of love blossoming slowly. Maybe after they escaped, could they get married.

***Angst, I lied about the fluff! Nishi~~***

Staring in disbelief, you had to watch your lover go down in the execution, your heart breaking because you thought you guys would get married. He promised to be with you! He lies to you! You screamed and fell on your knees, covering your ears as you began to weep in the loss of your lover. You couldn't believe him. He lied, he lied, he lied! You looked up just as he was about to be killed, and you swore you saw him wave goodbye at you. Oh, you would never love someone like you loved Kokichi.

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