🍋Experimentation: K11bo (keebo) x reader🍋

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**Warnings: Lemon-also we're calling him Keebo okay?**

You didn't know what it was about the robot Keebo that interested you, but your heart throbbed every time you seen him. You loved how innocent he seemed, and how he always came to you on advice on feelings. See, you were the ultimate psychologist...it was your job to understand emotions and what makes your body tik. You were currently looking over some of the library books, there were so many! You loved to read, it was how you managed to become the ultimate psychologist. You hummed to yourself, not really expecting company until you felt hands touch your shoulder. You tensed until you saw that it was Keebo. "K-Keebo! You scared me!" You grinned up at him and noticed he looked nervous.

"(Y/n) I want to run some tests with you...you're my friend right?" Keebo had been gettinng close to you ever since you began helping him understand things. You nod and shut the book, standing up.

"Of course Keebo! What do you need help with?" He took your hand and led it back to his dorm, opening it and shutting the door. You never seen his bedroom before. There were cute little figurines he must have found and books you gave him were neatly stacked on a desk. You then noticed the bed, there were chains against the four posts and you felt nervous. You definitely was attracted to Keebo but...were you ready to do things with him? Did he even have a....penis? You blushed at the thought and then came back into focus when you noticed Keebo waving his hands in front of you.

"(Y/n), are you alright?" He spoke in a soft tone, adjusting his voice to sound more human like. It definitely made the other students more comfortable.

"Y-yeah..just spaced out!" You rubbed the back of your neck, smiling nervously. Keebo gave you a gunuine, unseen before smile. You never seen him smile! It was beautiful...

"(Y/n) can I explore your body?" Keebo spoke honestly and no holding back. You blushed and hid behind your (h/c) hair. You knew he said things without thinking but still! This was plain our right impulsive! You smiled as he stepped closer to you, heart beginning to race. "(Y/n)...I've been getting strange feelings for you and I don't understand them...I want to..kiss you and touch you. When other boys are around you, I get...a funny feeling. I don't want them to touch you." Your eyes widened, he was confessing his feelings! You bit your lip and knew you needed to explain to him.

"I think you love me Keebo...and want me to be your girlfriend. You remember when I explained to you about love right?" Keebo nodded and then lifted your chin up to look at him.

"Please let me touch you." His voice suddenly changed into a seductive tone, leaving you to suddenly become filled with hormones raging.

"Y-yes.." After you gave consent, you felt him press his lips against yours. They were surprisingly soft and warm, and you kissed back eagerly, allowing your emotions to rule over you for once. Your body pressed against his and you felt a bulge form, meaning he did have a cock...you moaned softly as he gripped your breast, squeezing gently and then gently twisting your nipple. He began to take off your shirt, as you took off his. He unhooked your bra and then slid your skirt off, pulling your underwear off as well and then kissing you again. You walked backwards until you fell on the bed, the handcuffs suddenly going around your wrists and your ankles. You were spread open and you couldn't escape. He kneeled down in front of you and used his fingers to rub against your thighs, teasing you as you released a moan from your mouth. He did this for a few minutes until you pleaded him to touch you more. He smiled at you before slowly inserting a finger, moving quickly as he felt you get wet around his finger, slowly adding a second. He pumped his fingers into you, making you a moaning, writhing mess. He was so good with his fingers! You gasped when you felt a wet tongue slowly lick your clit, flicking it alongside fingering you. You felt a knot curling up un your stomach, suddenly releasing all over and he licked it up eagerly.

"Mmm it tasted...good! Time to test another thing..." He unbuckled his pants and then pulled off the rest of his clothes. He positioned himself up to your hole, and then slowly entered you, you whined in pain as he was fully into you. He was bigger than you thought too! He kissed you romantically, waiting for you to adjust to his size. The pain subsided and you bucked up against him, moaning and showing him it was okay to move. He didn't hold back, thrusting into you eagerly and hard, you moaned wildly and heard his soft moans, you thought it was cute but before you knew it, your body began to become primal in the moment, all thoughts lost as you both moaned and he fucked you quickly, the knot coming quicker than expected. "K-Keebo I'm I'm gonna-!" And you came around his cock, a few thrusts later and he came as well. He pulled out and unlocked the cuffs, laying down so you could cuddle him.

"You're mine now." He said lovingly and you nodded, smiling softly to yourself. Then you jumped and hid into Keebo as Kokichi's laugh was heard from the doorway.

"Nishi ishi~next round I'm joining!"

(Part two coming...Kokichi/reader/Keebo)

Danganropa one shots! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora