33: Daddy Issues p.3

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"Heidi? I-I wasn't expecting you," my eyes flickered over her face, frantically searching for any sign of distress or fear. The thought that I was being way too transparent with my emotions was long forgotten, replaced by the overwhelming fear for Heidi's safety. Despite the fact that Robb had never focused his attention on any other girl than me—at least as far as I knew of—there was still this threatening edge to his behaviour that I could never quite seem to crack. And I wasn't sure if I wanted to find out just how far he was willing to go; with me or anyone else.

"I was supposed to drop off my notes for you?" Heidi tilted her head to the side questioningly. "You know, for the classes you missed last week 'cause of your cold?"

"Oh- right, of course," I uttered, "thank you."

I could feel Robb's gaze burning into the side of my face, urging me to look at him, but I kept my eyes focused on Heidi. The last thing I wanted was for him to catch a whiff of my panic; to realize just how much I didn't want him anywhere near my best friend.

"Are you alright?" I could hear the concern in my best friend's voice, but I just leaned my elbows on the back of her chair and shook my head. "You look pale, Hope," she pressed, not quite satisfied with my answer. "Maybe you should rest some more."

"No," I retorted swiftly, sounding much harsher than I intended, "I'm good."

Hurt swept across her features before she recomposed herself, muttering, "If you say so."

She kept staring at me inquisitively, the kindness present in her eyes making me revisit the feeling of guilt that had been a frequent resident of my heart lately. While there was a long list of things that I hated myself for, lying to my best friend easily made the top three.

"Hope should be grateful to have someone like you in her life," a smile stretched across Robb's face, but his eyes remained ice-cold, betraying the true nature of a person behind them.

"I am," I rushed, "I'm just still feeling a bit under the weather."

In that particular case, I wouldn't call myself a liar. Does it make you one, when you're only hiding things that could possibly bring harm to your loved ones?

"Ah, always so stubborn," Robb clucked his tongue obnoxiously. He sat on the couch, watching the two of us quietly, only speaking to admonish me when possible.  "Keep tellin' that one to take care of herself, dress warmer. It's like talkin' to a brick wall."

I forced my clenched fists to stay still as I grit out, "You're right. I'm sorry, dad." Hearing the word out-loud caused my stomach to churn uncomfortably, but I had to play the part of a submissive little mouse. Robb had made it clear that he got some sick satisfaction from hearing me address him this way, and I wasn't about to fuel his anger with Heidi around. I couldn't allow him to blow up again; not like he had done last week. I can't miss anymore classes because of him.

"Okay, I should be going now," Heidi rose from her seat abruptly, the look on her face betraying just how uncomfortable she felt stuck right in the middle of this awkward exchange. "Thank you for letting me wait around for Hope, Mr Frazier."

"You're always welcome here," Robb moved as well, then, with a quick glance my way, added, "any friend of Hope is." Before I know it, he had shifted his body to press against my backside, throwing an arm around me in a seemingly casual manner.

"Thanks again, Heidi," I mumbled as Robb gripped me even tighter, clearly wanting me to act as natural as possible despite a growing sick feeling in my stomach. "I'll see you tomorrow at school."

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