That's when the pounding started on his office door. Crap. I was so ready and now we have to stop.

"What" He growled at the door.

"Someone set fire to the Packhouse, Alpha." Jax panted back.

Devon gently picked me up, cursing under his breath, and asked me to stay here with the door locked. "I will be back as soon as I can." he kissed my head before following Jax out.

While I was here, I took the time to look around his office. Snoop around a little. There wasn't much other than books on past Alpha's, agriculture, and a few dirty magazines. Perv. I picked up the magazine and out fell a picture of me in my little blue and green bikini. When did he take this? I decided to dig a little deeper. I touched on his computer and a picture of me sleeping on the couch with the boys came up. It was from about two months ago. This was about the time things had changed between us.

His computer had a password, so I tried a few different things like his birthday, the boys' names, and then I tried Izza. Access granted. His home screen consisted of a collage of pictures of me. They dated back to about a year after I came here, to the present day. He had a folder marked Izza, and in it were nearly a thousand pictures, all of me. He really has been more obsessed with me than I ever knew. It made me smile. My mate has been watching me all along. There were some sexually suggestive pictures but most were just me being happy. Sweet pictures of me with our boys. Pictures of me in sweats with messy hair and a book in my lap. Me in an apron with flour on my nose as I cook dinner.

I had just closed his computer when someone knocked on the door. "Hey it's Kells, Dev's going to be a while and he wanted me to come to get you."

I opened the door and there Kelly was with my boys. They ran to me and wrapped their arms around a leg each. I closed and locked his office behind me and we left for home. It was only on the other side of the compound, but with everything that had already gone down, I was glad to have Kelly with me.

When we got home, we set up the boys in the living room with cartoons and toys, before we left to sit at the kitchen table. Kelly has been busy opening up a clothing store, so we haven't had a lot of time to talk lately. When she has been off she has been keeping the boys for me, so I can do things with my mate.

I grabbed a bottle of water and sat at the table. Kelly took a long look at me and asked, "How far along are you?"

"What are you talking about?" I responded trying to avoid the question.

"Cut the shit Izza. I have pregnancy tests missing from the guest bathroom. I have not seen you have a single sip of coffee in weeks. Also, you have a front bump. Are Devon and you trying to hide this?"

"Dev doesn't know. I've known for about three weeks, but we have been working on our relationship, so I haven't wanted to change how things are going."

"How does he not know?" Kelly said lifting my shirt.

"I have kept myself covered. I think he just thinks I have been eating crap and not taking care of myself. Which is not true. I have been eating healthy and doing prego palates. Are you mad at me?"

"Mad, Iz, why would I be mad. I'm a little annoyed that you haven't told the Alpha, because of what happened last time, but I do understand."

"I just know how much you want this for Jax and you. Twice now this has happened to me, without me meaning for it too." Tears ran down my face because I want Kelly to have this too. I want her to know the joy of being a mom. Kelly came around the table and hugged me tightly.

"I love you, you are my sister, a fake story or not, and don't ever feel bad about being a mom. If it's in the stars for Jax and me, it will happen. If not then I will be the best aunt ever." Kelly and I both sat at the table crying for a long time just hugging each other. I'm so glad I have her this time. She is the best friend, sister, and aunt anyone could ever ask for.

All But Forgotten Mate (EDITED/COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now