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Kira's P.O.V:

(Let's say sometime during their walk to the guild she learned his name)

We reached a building that had the Fairy Tail mark on it. I smiled knowing that this is the guild. Laxus smirks at my face and pushes open the doors. I looked ahead to see a bunch of tables, food, and chairs flying around. I stood there shocked but stuck with Laxus. I followed closely behind him trying not to get hit. We walked up to the bar. On top of the bar sat an old man smoking.
"Hey, old man" the man looked up
"How was the quest?" He asked
"Fine..." the man looked behind Laxus and stared at me
"Who's this?" He asked, I looked up at him
"I'm Kira...." I said quite enough so they could hear. He smiled at me
"I found her surrounded by bandits..." Laxus spoke to the man. He looked at Laxus and back down at me
"How would you like to join the guild?" I smiled
"I would love too" I said with cheer in my voice. He smiled brightly at my words and Laxus smirked
"Welcome. Where would you like your mark? And what color?"
"Can I have it white on my right ankle?" He smiles again
"Of course" magically the Mark appeared on my ankle....
'I finally have a new family' I thought to myself, I ended up staying at the guild dorms.

Third person P.O.V:

*{time skip Kira is now 12}*

It's been two years since Kira joined the guild. She quickly became friends with Laxus, Gray, Natsu, Mira, and Erza. Kira learned how to have better control over Lunar, Nightmare, and Celestial with the help of Mira and Laxus. Kira loved talking to her friends. She would help them and they would help her. Laxus would actually sometimes take her on a quest! Laxus and Kira slowly became best friends! Mira also became one of her best friends along with Erza! Gray and Natsu became brothers to her.

*{another time skip! Kira is 17! She's also an S-Class wizard(Yes I know a lot of time skips.... but! It's 10:40 P.M. and I haven't got a lot of sleep in more than a month! So please go easy on me.... and if something is spelled wrong or if there's any grammatical errors please tell me.}*

Kira's P.O.V:

I shot up from bed. It's the same damn dream. I've been getting flashbacks to the fire I started when I was little. But something is different.... Something about my dreams seemed wrong. I shrugged it off and went to my bathroom to take a shower. I couldn't afford an apartment so I'm still at the Guild dorms.... at least the rent is less expensive. I stripped off my clothes and let the hot water fall on my skin. Of course sense Celestial is a fire demon I can't get burned easily.

I run my fingers through my long brown hair. Steam fills the bathroom. I sighed and closed my eyes leaning my head against the shower wall. I sighed again and got out wrapping a yellow fluffy towel around my body. I looked into the mirror. My brown hair was wet and stuck to my skin, my royal blue eyes stood out against my pale skin. I ran my hands over my hourglass shaped body. I looked at my arms scars traced along my arms. I sighed again and dried off

 I sighed again and dried off

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Demons (Laxus x Oc) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now