"Okay, but only if we use the Plaza map. That's my favorite one." He nodded before popping the CD into his PlayStation 3. He got out two controllers and handed one of them to me, and I turned it on.

He had already chosen his character, so now I was taking a hell of a long time deciding on mine. "Are you going to pick a character or what?" He asked in a joking, impatient way.

"It's not my fault that someone chose the best character," I retorted while nudging him on the side. "Whatever, I'll just be Marco Polo. He has a cool hat anyway, plus he's got a scarf, and scarves are cool." After we finally picked everything we wanted, we started the round.

After only a few seconds, I found him and killed his character on the spot. "What the fuck man?" He laughed. "How the fuck did you get to me so quickly?"

"I have the spawning points memorized," I shrugged, earning a glare from him, to which I just smirked back in reply. He was going to be very annoyed with me by the time this was over, I could already tell.

We continued playing, and as expected, I was in a very drastic lead.

"How is that even possible?" He sort of yelled/asked when I killed him for the 11th time in this game. I was smiling like an idiot the whole time. It wasn't even that hard to win in this game, I just happened to have much more experience than Frank did, which is kind of ironic, considering he owned the game.

"It's possible because you absolutely suck at this game, Frankie," I smartly replied. He just groaned and continued moping around in his failures.

After my 15th kill, the timer went off and ended the game. A scoreboard appeared on the screen with the word 'WIN' over my name and the word 'DEFEAT' over Frank's. I looked over to Frank and started laughing when I saw the unimpressed expression on his face. "Haha I killed you 15 times and you never even got the pleasure of killing me once!"

"Yeah yeah, keep bragging, whatever. If we ever do this again though, I'm picking what game we play." Right on cue, the doorbell rang, which meant the pizza was here. He stood up and went to the door, opening it to reveal a smaller woman holding a pizza box.

"Hello sir, your total will be 15 dollars. Here's your stuff." She handed him the box and the soda, and he ended up with his hands full.

"Hey Gee, can you take this stuff to the kitchen?" I nodded and got up off the couch, taking all the food from him and setting it down on the counter. Afterwards, I walked back and stood beside him while he payed for the pizza.

"Have a good day guys," she finally spoke after the payment was done. "You're a very cute couple by the way,"she said before walking out, which left me a bit flustered. I didn't think that anyone would mistake me and Frank for a couple, but here we are.

Frank didn't seem phased by it though, as he made his way to the kitchen and got out two plates.

I sat down at the table, waiting for him to finish getting his own. Surprisingly, he handed me two slices first before getting his own. What a gentleman. I silently thanked him and poured myself a glass of Diet Coke.

We didn't talk much, considering we were both too focused on shoving pizza into our mouths. We were able to finish the whole thing pretty quickly.

After I finished, Frank asked, "So what do you want to do now?"

I shrugged. "I dunno, whatever you want I guess. It's hard for me to come up with anything."

"Well, what do you usually do at sleepovers?" I frowned slightly at that question. I really didn't want to answer it. The only sleepovers I had ever been to were small ones that me and Mikey had in each other's rooms all the time. I literally couldn't answer that question.

"Uh this is actually kind of pathetic... but I've never been to a sleepover before this one. I've just never had any friends that close to me before I guess." He verbally gasped, and immediately stood up.

"Come here, I know exactly what we need to do." I giggled as he grabbed my hand, practically dragging me back into the living room and leading me back to the couch. "Wait here, I'm going to get a few things." He went through the hallway and into his room, coming back with a box of blankets in his hand. He was also carrying a few pillows and a big quilt. He set them down on the couch next to me, as I watched him curiously.

"What's all that for?" I asked.

"We're making a fort!" He said excitedly. "Man, me and Ray used to make these all the time in high school. It's going to be so fun to do this again." I internally squealed. I loved building forts with Mikey, it was definitely one of my favorite things to do. Now that I was doing it again, I was so excited.

He set the quilt down on the floor and pulled a few chairs over, giving us a base to work with. I immediately joined in on the fun, setting up a wall of pillows around the quilt. We arranged the pillows in a way that would make them sturdy and began placing blankets over the chairs. We spent quite a bit of time arranging every blanket and pillow until the fort looked perfect. When we decided it was good, Frank motioned towards the entrance, and I crawled inside, him following behind me.

"Well it's certainly not that big, but it's a great fort, you have to admit," he said as we laid down, resting our heads on a few of the pillows.

"I like that it's not too big. It's cozy," I added, scooting closer to Frank. We had managed to build the fort around the TV, so Frank grabbed the remote in order to find something to watch.

We had been flipping through channels awhile, when finally something caught my eye. "Can we watch Batman Returns? I like that movie." Frank smiled at me before nodding and putting it on the correct channel.

"Is there a specific reason you like that movie, Gee?" He asked.

"I just like Batman in general," I replied. "That and the fact that Danny DeVito plays the Penguin in this movie." Frank chuckled at that before setting the remote down.

The movie started and I moved to rest my head on Frank's shoulder. He moved closer to me, wrapping an arm around me. (I'm having a stroke writing this its too fluffy skhdgsjsh)

We watched the movie for awhile, and I eventually felt myself drifting off to sleep. "Goodnight Frankie," I said softly before closing my eyes.

"Goodnight Gee," he said back.


I woke up and felt a cold blast of air on my body. It was way too fucking cold in here. I felt a shiver run through my entire body, but my eyes were still shut tight.

"Gee you're shivering," I heard a soft voice speak beside me, which I assumed to be Frank's.

"Yeah it's too cold in here, I'm freezing," I said through my chattering teeth.

"Come here," I opened my eyes and saw that his arms were open in an inviting way. I scooted over to him and snuggled up against his body, him wrapping his arms around me to keep me warm. It was definitely helping.

Not many words were exchanged throughout that time, since we just enjoyed laying there in each other's company. I smiled against his chest.

That's when I realized.

I have a crush on Frank.

Ayyye so hows it goin fellas, tell me was that great or what? The entire time I was writing this I was squealing at how cute it was.

Chapter planning:

Chapter planning:

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