Chapter Two

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*Kyle's P.O.V.*

I stood at my locker with Stan getting my history book, when I saw a girl and her mother walk down the halls. It wasn't just any girl. It was the girl from the other night that Stan and I saved. She was here at our school.

"Stan, look it's the girl from the other night," I enthusiastically said to him, hitting his arm to get his attention.

"Okay? What's the big deal?" Stan commented. "She's probably a new student."

"What's the big deal- do you see her?" I questioned.

Stan rolled his eyes. "Don't tell me you're in love with this girl..."

"What? Of course, not...I just think she's really pretty," I confessed.

"You think who is really pretty?" A voice behind me asked, as their arms snaked around me.

I felt myself stiffen. "Be-Bebe...Hey."

"You know, I'd think that you would be more excited to see me after Friday night." She winked.

Wendy stood by Stan, playing with his hair.

"You know, as much as I want to see you babe, we have to drop our stuff off at the locker room," Stan stated.

"I know. I thought we would just stop and say hi," Wendy smiled.

I looked to Stan, still nervous that Bebe might have heard our conversation, but knowing her, she would've made a big deal about it if she had. There was nothing wrong with Bebe, and we started hanging out a couple weeks ago, when Stan invited us over (it being Wendy's idea). I liked her just fine, but I couldn't help but daydream about that new girl.

"Okay, well, we'll let you go then," Bebe smiled, giving me a kiss on my cheek before walking off with Wendy.

Once they left, I grabbed my gym bag and followed Stan towards the gym.

"So, the real question is, when are you going to ask Bebe out? Wendy won't leave me alone about it," Stan said.

"I don't know. I've only been hanging out with her for a couple weeks," I mumbled, not really wanting to talk about it.

"Okay, but you've known her since we were kids," Stan pointed out.

"Yeah...I guess," I replied.

"Would you please just do it, so Wendy will leave me alone. Think about it, you date Bebe, and we can finally hang out all the time. It won't just be me and her, talking about stupid shit like our future," Stan complained.

"You guys have been dating since elementary school...don't you think it's kind of important?" I questioned.

"I'm sixteen. I don't want to look at wedding centerpieces. I want to play video games with you while her and Bebe look at center pieces," he stated.

"I mean you have a point, but I don't know. I really want to meet this new girl," I told him.

"No, man, please do not ruin what you have going on with Bebe? Not only will talking to her ruin your life, but it's probably going to ruin mine...and that poor girl, knowing Bebe," Stan warned me.

"To be fair, you aren't making Bebe sound the most appealing," I chuckled.

"You know that she's hot, and she worships you, okay? Don't make our lives any more complicated than they have to be," Stan pleaded.

"Oh my god, dude, I'll ask her out soon, okay?" I said to him.

"Good, now let's get to class," Stan said. 

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