Chapter 91 - Bonds Inseverable

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Gahi kept his eyes focused ahead, undaunted by the rushing winds thanks to his lenses. Teleporting forward several feet each time was second nature to him, now, and more than doubled his effective travel speed.

"You can sense them?" Trina said, puzzled. "I don't understand. Have your Psychic powers really gotten that strong?"

"No clue. I mean, felt some weird pulls fer a while, but it's really strong now. Practically like they're callin' out ter me."

Off by the horizon were several mountains. That was new, Trina noted; finally, something that wasn't just a bunch of dead trees!

"And where do you plan to take them?" Trina said.

"Well, th' village? What?"

"We just fled the village without a word. Do you really think they're going to let us in again?"

"I dunno. Maybe."

"How did—how did you even escape? Surely they have precautions for Pokémon like you."

"Yeah, they did," Gahi beat his wings once to speed up, then continued his Teleport-glide forward. "Fer a while, seemed like I was jus' bein' blocked from teleporting out. Didn't work."

"So, an anti-Teleport field of some kind. Perhaps anti-element in general." Trina nodded. "No different than the Protect insulation in modern buildings."

"Yep. But I guess I broke through."

"Broke through. How?"

"Well, usin' Teleport didn't work. So I tried usin' it harder."

"...Harder." Trina pinched the area between her eyes. "Gahi, you can't just willpower your way through anti-Teleport walls."

"Then how'd I get yeh?"

"Some—some sort of flaw in security, I'm sure," Trina grunted, deliberately looking away when Gahi smirked at her.

"Or," Gahi proposed, "I tried really, really hard, an' it worked."

"You're absurd."

Gahi shrugged, confident that he was right, and then continued to scan ahead. "Feels like they're closer the more I go toward those mountains..."

Trina leaned closer, each little Teleport that Gahi did making her a little more nauseous. She tried to keep it together and envisioned that she was back in the sunlit room in Null Village. "Just be careful. Those wraiths below might try to hit you, and we have no idea where they are."

The jittering of the trees was too jarring for her. Every Teleport and the scenery was offset by several of them. Keeping her eyes closed was easier, but she still wanted to navigate in case Gahi tried to 'willpower' his way through a mountain next. Far to their right, a gigantic wraith was lumbering through the treetops, and she quickly alerted Gahi to avoid it.

They were too far, but Trina watched it anyway. This one was bipedal, but it was so large that she couldn't tell if it was nearby and a few houses tall, or far away and the height of Kilo Mountain. Thankfully, it didn't notice them.


The trees were so far away. It was only mountains, now, and Trina, even though she was feeling tired, refused to acknowledge this to Gahi. Instead, she wrapped her vines in a semi-knot around her, and then relaxed her body. The vines, without strain, kept her comfortably tied to Gahi's back. She occasionally looked down to see the rocky valleys. How long had Gahi been flying?

"Are we nearly there?" Trina asked.

"Yeah." Gahi gently veered to the left, then brought a hand to his chest, thoughtful. "Such a weird feelin' that I'm gettin'. Never felt somethin' like this befer."

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