Damn, it's been a while since I've watched this

The fact that Tim used to like cars is so fucking sad

Tom's little smile after "He just wasn't having it"
I mean, it's that smile you get when you're remembering something happy. & then that smile just fades

Did that really have to make the "first" song What Tim Wants? I wasn't ready to be hit w/ these feels

I love how simple the music is


Corey is so underrated

Wiley wearing denim on denim

Also, his dog chains (hint hint)

Also, the pins on his jacket


Stfu Frank

Ethan deserved better

I love Hannah

"Don't you fucking laugh" I love him

Hannah's little "California?" is so innocent & pure & ahhh I love her

What a way to start a song

Honestly, I love Angela's voice
Some say that it's not the best, but that's honestly why I love it. Cause it's not perfect (also I think read somewhere that she was sick or something during this show?  I might be thinking of Denise w/ February though)

"That's not how cameras work, babe"

I love how Robert is so much taller than both of them

Hannah's little dances are adorable

"Oh, L-I-E-R, babe"

Lex's smile as she watches Hannah dance around is so pure

"That better be fucking floss!"


Watched a video once that showed why Linda is in love w/ Becky & honestly I'm here for it

"Four Beautiful Blonde Boys"

Curt's face at "I hope you fucking die"

"Well, my children were accidents"

This is kinda weird cause I had a dog named Stanley once

Ok, unrelated, but I just found a really long black hair stuck to my leggings & idk whose it is, because I have short pink hair & no one in my house has long black hair & I haven't left my house in 3 weeks

A few notes of Take Me Back were playing when Tom walked up to Becky

I love Jaime

You have no idea how many times What Do You Say has gotten stuck in my head

"Has she PT-seen her hubby?" is hilarious cause Curt is her husband

My favorite boyband

Have in mentioned I love James' voice?

Jeff's face at "I missed you"

I think Black Friday has the best group songs out of all of their musicals

Have I mentioned that Corey is underrated?

Robert just cuts in line & no one notices

Did Corey mean to say Tickly Wiggly?

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