The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals

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This is my 3rd time watching this.

Ok, so I know it's been two days since I've uploaded anything. I had a headache on Monday, & yesterday I got mad because I spent THREE HOURS creating a Sim & literally, I had just finished & was seconds away from saving when my FUCKING COMPUTER GREENSCREENED & I LOST ALL OF MY WORK. I was super mad & just didn't feel like doing anything else. So yea. Anyways, here's The Who Didn't Like Musicals. If you haven't watched it, or don't know who Starkid is, look them up on Youtube. They've got all of there musicals on there, professionally recorded w/ captions, for free! They're awesome & I'm in love w/ all of them.

I'm kinda scared of Jeff, ngl

Mariah is beautiful (if any of y'all got a Mean Girls boot of her as Regina do not hesitate to give me a link, please)

I'm in love w/ Jaime's voice

Corey is underrated

*aggressively dabs across stage*

I'm also in love w/ Lauren

& Robert


"Where the fuck is he?"
"I have no fucking clue"

"You piece of shit!"

Melissa is adorable

Shit, dinner is ready, brb

Oki, I'm back

Charlotte deserves better

Sam is a dick

We were robbed of a Paul/Alice friendship

"You got other plans?"
If that ain't me avoiding social gatherings

"The idea of sitting there, trapped in a musical.... That is my own personal hell." Well, you'll be singing a different tune in about 2 hours

"I'll grab you something from Beanie's! My treat. What do you want?"
"I just want my daughter back."
"How about an iced caramel frappe? Nothing better!"

I should really hate Ted, but I don't.

👌The Latte Hottay👌

I love Emma. So much

We all know the Hot Chocolate Boy is the real 👌Latte Hottay👌

"Goddammit, Emma. Now I need to make a tea with honey, okay. Oh my god."

"I've been brewing up your coffee!" I sing this whenever I make my mom coffee

"Not that you're an asshole. Well, maybe you are. What'd you tip?" I love her

"Eh, Fuck Bill" Me when I "forget" to let some ass in my class copy my homework

"I give my money directly to the people who need it."
"Oh, spare change for the homeless?"
"Sorry, I don't have anything."
Don't be an ass, Paul

Sam is an asshole

"Yea, I know Deb's a vegetarian. They got fish." Bill, that's not exactly how it works

"I don't think I oughta" is fucking adorable & totally reminds me of Hannah

Professor Hidgens makes an entrance



I love Mariah's voice

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