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you didn't fail to fill my tummy the whole damn zoo when you pull me closer to you, away from the road when walking our way home. or when you throw a fit to some random guy from the road who catcalls me.

the way you always make sure i go home safely and nag me if i don't text you about it because you say it worries you.

and when you comfort me after a sad ending of a movie. man, i will never forget the way you make goofy face for me to stop crying.

they say they hated how your normal speaking voice was "shouting" for them. but it was different for me.

you always talked in a tamed manner and never once raised your voice at me as you know it freaks me out and scares me.


all of that made me come to a conclusion that maybe, a teeny tiny bit maybe, you liked me too.

the thought made my insides twist and turn while my face was a blushing mess.


do you like me?


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