The Moth And The Flame

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From afar, the moth had been admiring
This bright lit flame for so long
That her heart began tearing and tiring
A change of rhythm in its song

She knew for sure she had lost her way
As this love was obviously forbidden
Still, her desire could not be swayed
And thus she kept it hidden

"The flame, she'll burn you", they would say
The other moths trying to keep her safe
With every 'better' love suggested, her heart frayed
And then one day, she simply caved

She flitted over towards her love fair
From this close shining even brighter
She told her just how much she cared
And felt her heart grow a little lighter

Of the warnings, the moth also spoke
And saw the flame rise higher still
Murmuring "You have to throw off their yoke,
Because keeping you safe is my only will"

"My flame only burns those of my choosing
And keeps bright and warm all the rest
See, my little one, there is no losing
If you put my love to the test"

The moth then dared to take the chance
Flying closer to the flame
They exchanged a loving glance
Their hearts then beating just the same

Her wings were caressed, but never burned
It was true, what the flame had said
Yet while their love was still spurned
They never rued the day they met

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