The Companions

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They were two travellers, side by side
Seeing the lands through brand new eyes
Swept up by adventure's tide
They always longed to be under new skies

'Companions' they were called, as they were both women
Just friends all many would see them as
And at first, that was the truth of them
But then one of them grew restless

She was the magic weaver of the two
Yet this magic she now felt was entirely new
She'd fallen for her friend, a paladin strong
Hiding it at first, afraid that it was wrong

Her friend hadn't noticed, not quite yet
Though sometimes her gazes would linger as well
While her mind wandered to the day they met
Much like she was under a spell

The spellcaster herself was nearing despair
She could turn men into mice, but not friends into lovers
But if this was love, why should she play fair?
Why should she keep her feelings under covers?

So she did what she did best
Putting her magic to the test
Weaving it from here to there, until there seemed to be no end
She had created from nothing an entirely new land

Declaring it to be for her companion alone
She still hoped they'd travel it together
The paladin was awed, her fears no longer mattered
And kissed the mage, underneath the stars that shone

I'm now pleased to tell you they did explore that place
Both as companions, and something more
They could face it all, with their fingers laced
After all, that's what love is for

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