Chapter Nine

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I knew he would be there before time. He pulled my chair and helped me in. My heart broke in a million pieces when I saw that look on his face. He was looking absolutely devastated. Only for one reason, me.

"Bhau didn't come"? He asked me softly.

"No he couldn't make it. Aai is not feeling well."

"What happened to her now"?

"I think she caught my flu".


"Ck, it takes everything in me to tell you this, I am really sorry," I said as tears pooled in my eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. We knew it was never going to happen. Didn't we? Our age gap, the cast difference, people are still crazy here".

"Bhau wanted me to call you and inform you about this but I said I want to meet him one last time".

"I was expecting this Sayali, I mean I knew the chances were slim, but you know, human nature, I still thought there was an outside chance of making it".

He was so close to crying he had to take deep breaths before speaking every single word.

"What about you now, ....Ck?"
I couldn't hold it in any more. I burst into tears and he was by my side in a flash.

"This is not the end of the world for me Sayali. Losing you is a big setback but hey, that's life. Things happen. Sometimes they go your way, sometimes they don't. Marriage was never in my destiny otherwise it would have happened a long time ago. My mother died waiting for me to get married. For me that was a bigger loss. So you see, this doesn't change much for me".

I knew he was lying. I could see him crying his heart out in his bed tonight.

"Atleast you tried Sayali, I am so proud of you that you spoke to your Aai and Bhau about us. Thank you for trying and putting your faith in me."

"There is a lot of guilt inside me Ck for ruining it all. You gave me your undying love and in return all I could do was to crash your perfect and happy life and bring tons of sorrow to you. I know it is not fair. I should have never come in your life".

"Please don't say that Sayali, you only gave me your love. I will never regret that you came in my life. You will always stay in my heart, whether you are with me or not. You have given me so much to remember Sayali. You are an angel and I will hope and pray every single day that you find all the happiness in the world and everything that you deserve".

That was it. I fell in his arms and started crying. He was crying too as he held me tightly, the most secure place in the world for me. Everyone in the cafe was looking at us but we were just lost in each other.

"It's a yes Ck, it's a yes...I am sorry that I lied to you..I wanted to see your reaction. You are a pure soul Ck and I feel I am the luckiest woman alive to be loved by you. Will you marry me"?

At first he couldn't believe a word I had just said. He kept looking at me like a small kid.

"Really, Sayali"?

"Yes". I nodded. I was laughing and crying all at the same time.

Finally he stood up and took me in his arms and swayed to the applause and cheers of the entire cafe.

Yay! We did it!
What a feeling!

It had been a wonderful quest to find the love of my life. Contrary to what we thought, convincing Bhau was like a walk in the park. He knew Ck was a very good man the day David welcomed him in our house with open arms. David is a very tough dog and hates strangers but the fact that he let him in the very first time was a testament of him being a good human. Ck had earned David's trust and that was enough for Bhau.

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