Chapter Six

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We had our breakfast together the next morning. Since Sayali herself had not been well from the past few days, I sent her home, forced her actually to take some rest while I attended her mother. We decided not to inform Bhau as things were under control. We did not want him to worry unnecessarily.

"David was behaving a little weird since afternoon," Sayali told me during lunch. She had brought tiffin for us from her home.

"Yes, her Aai said, " he usually sleeps in the living room but yesterday night he was so adamant that he sleeps with me. He knew something was wrong. So he wanted to be by my side. He could sense that. He wouldn't leave my side for a minute".

"In fact it was him who woke me up," Sayali said, "he came into my room and started barking. He kept running forth between my room and Aai's room."

"Even when her Baba passed away, he saw it coming. David wouldn't leave him no matter what. In the last few days he even gave up food".

"Dogs are such amazing beings. Can't imagine my life without them".

"You know Ck, David knows what Baba meant to each and every one of us, especially Aai. So he is even more dedicated now. He has so much love in his heart I don't have enough words to describe. We took him in when he was a pup. He knows we are his family and we know he is ours."

I excused myself while the mother -daughter were having their little moment. I was amazed at their story. I saw tears of both joy and sadness at the same time. They were such a wonderful family. And there was nothing I wouldn't give to be a part of them.

They discharged her mother in the evening as she was feeling better. I had my dinner with them at their home. She put her mother to bed and then joined me downstairs in their lawn while David sat next to her mother. There was a small table for four right next to the area between the living and the lawn. It was getting colder and we knew it was a great idea to have some coffee together.

"I am going to talk about us in the morning," she said.

I was on the edge again.

"What is the rush Sayali, let us take this easy".

"Ck, Bhau is coming tomorrow evening. He liked the guy."


"And the guy is coming for a meeting on Sunday".

"That's two days from now".

"So we cannot take it easy. Can we"?

"How are you going to start"?

"By telling her that you drive me absolutely nuts", she said and laughed and even made me give high fives.

"How is that for a start"? She asked.

"You are not serious about this Sayali. Are you"?

"I am just trying to lighten up things a bit for you, Ck. Just look at you, you are looking so nervous".

"Obviously I am nervous. I know what is at stake".

"Don't worry, it's just a little bump in our story and nothing else. And I know my Aai, Ck, she would never do anything that makes me sad".

"What about your brother, he seems a little despicable to me. I mean, that furious look in his eyes all the time gives me nightmares".

"I won't lie, convincing him is going to be a serious challenge but I am very much up for it."

Suddenly her mother came by the glass window and called her upstairs in her room. It was time for me to leave and I waved at her mother from the lawn.

I waited for a couple of minutes as I wanted to see Sayali one more time and then leave.

I didn't have to wait for long. She was there at the window. She slid the door open and asked me to come right below the window.

"Yes, Sayali".

"Ck, you really do drive me nuts," she winked at me and threw a flying kiss.

I was on top of the world.

As I walked out of her house I knew I had only one choice. Either be happy that this amazing woman came in my life or die worrying about the things that were beyond my control. I chose the former one and prayed to God to give her all the strength required.

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