Chapter 5: Telling the Losers

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A/n Hey guys! This is not my fan art btw. But it's amazing!


   The kids all decide to meet up at Beverly's house instead. They wanted to tell the losers what was going on. As they were riding their bikes, Richie gets a phone call. It was his twin brother, Michael. "Ugh, it's my stupid brother." Richie says, as he answers the phone. "What do you want you little-" Richie said, before getting cut off. "I need your help, Rich. NOW!" Mike says, breathing very heavily. "What is it, Mike?" Richie asks, thinking it was going to be some stupid prank. "There's something I need to tell you. Something I have needed to tell you for a long time." Mike says, trying not to break down into tears. "There is this thing, Rich. It's hurting all of my friends. I know this is a lot to ask, but can you help? You and your group?" Mike asks.

   "What?' Richie was very confused. "Listen, I know you love all the way in Derry, but we need you, Richie." Mike says. After what seemed like hours on the phone, the signal disconnects. "Guys," Richie starts saying. "We need to help him. I don't know what's going on, but it must be serious." Richie says. Let's go talk to the losers" Eddie says, as he gets back on his bike. They all start riding towards Beverly's house. Once they got there, they rushed up to the door and rang the doorbell. Finally, someone opened the door.

   Once they got inside, they started talking about all the stuff that had happened. Eddie told the losers about his mom, Stanley told them about the clown too, and Richie told them about the phone call from his twin brother. The losers were terrified. They were talking about it for a while, until Ben had an idea. "Uh, guys I have an idea." "Let's here it" Beverly says. "Well, we could have two options. We could stay here and try to fight this clown or we could help Richie's brother." Ben adds. They all nod and try to make a decision. Once they made up their minds, they had their answer.

369 words

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