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I sat on the couch looking at Sekani as he slept.. I couldn't believe it.. I actually had him here on side of me and he was covered in bruises.

My eyes had glossed over and all I saw in him was that man's face. I loved my son, but sometimes I couldn't handle it.

I felt someone touch me on my back and I jumped.
I turned around to see Caine standing there.

"I think we should take him to the doctor Caine.. his bruises look bad."

Caine looked at me. "If that's what's you want to do baby we can. We need to get full custody of him."

I looked up at him as tears rolled down my face.

"Caine i'm so sorry. I just didn't know how to tell you. I'm sorry please forgive me." I said as I bawled my eyes out.

"It's okay ma. We all got secrets and I undastand why you ain't tell me soona'.. although I wish you would have."

I pulled away from him and wiped my face. I felt Sekani move behind me and we both turned to look at him.

"Who are you?" he asked.

I sniffed and scooted close to him.

"Um.. i'm your mom.. & this is Caine he's my boyfriend."

"Are you really my mom?"

I nodded my head. "yes baby, i'm really your mom."

"When is my birthday?"

"March 2nd 2012."

"Where is my birthmark?"

I laughed a bit. "You have one on your behind and one above your bellybutton and you also have a scar on your knee from when you fell on the concrete running when you were little."

He smiled. "I knew you were my mom. I told them you would come back for me, but nobody believed me."

I hugged him back tightly. "I'm here now okay." I began crying. "And i'll never leave you again, do you hear me? I'm so sorry for leaving you in the first place. okay.. can you forgive me for that?"

He nodded his head. "I forgive you."

He turned to Caine. "Are you my dad?"

Caine laughed. "i'm whatever you want me to be lil man." He got up and gave Caine a hug too.

"Sekani do those bruises hurt?"

He shook his head no. "They're healing now so they don't hurt anymore."

"Im still gonna take you to the dr tomorrow so we can be sure your okay but right now let's get some rest."

I took him upstairs and into the guest room. "This is your room okay. Tomorrow we can decorate it anyway you want and go shopping."

"Even Monster Trucks?"

i smiled. "Yes if that's what you want we can make it happen okay."

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