Thinking Out Loud

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Ava was sat on the couch with Harry in his apartment watching a movie she had picked and eating bananas and Nutella. A knock on the door made the two of them look over at it and frown. It was past midnight and Ava was busy trying to stay awake before a quick nap to be woken up again. Harry, yawning next to her, had been making it even more difficult not to fall asleep.

Louis walked past them with an angry look on his face, "Oh, don't worry about that. I'll get the door even though you two are right next to it. There are these great things called legs and I'm surprised you two haven't used them. Ava's head is banged up, not her body!" He ranted.

Louis opened the door to reveal a disheveled looking Ed, "Niall gave me a ring and told me what happened. Are you okay?" He asked a bit breathlessly.

Ava stared over at the man who looked as worried as could be then over at Harry and back to Ed. The situation she had just found herself in was a bit disturbing, to say the least.

"Uhm, yeah, I'm alright. Just have to be woken up every hour so in the meantime I'm making Harry watch sappy movies and eating ice cream." She explained.

Ed walked into the apartment and plopped down on the couch. He had been there often and made himself right at home.

Harry smiled, though it looked forced, "what happened to your promotional things?" He questioned.

Ed shrugged, "I put them off to come back and make sure Ava was alright.

Ava frowned, "So I have to get hurt for you to come see me?"

Ed shook his head. "No! That's not what has to happen, I just wanted to check up on you myself. I'm sorry that it seems that way. I'll make it up to you, yeah?"
"I suppose." Ava mumbled, wedged in between the two friends and two of the guys she was most certain she was falling for.

Ed looked over at Harry, "Can I have a minute alone with her, mate?"

Harry frowned deeply, "Yeah." He forced out and smiled over at Ava. "I'll be back in a bit." He reassured her.

Ava nodded and looked over at Ed curiously who looked absolutely shaken up.

"I've written the final song for the album and recorded it. It was probably one of the easiest to write and I have a music video idea for it and I'd like for two people to be dancing in an empty ballroom. I was wondering if you'd be in it." He stated instead of asked.

Ava opened her mouth to speak, closed it, and opened it again, "A-are you sure?" she asked, completely blown away and shocked.

"Of course." Ed beamed over at her, "once you're healed I'll fly you out to meet with a few choreographers and you guys can get it done. Don't forget that you'll be one of the dancers in the music video." He made sure she wouldn't forget that part.

Ava gulped a little bit and shook her head, "The reason I don't dance professionally is because I was never quite good enough, Ed. This is a huge mistake on your part." She confessed.

Ed waved her off, "well, if one of them tells me that you're not doing too well, then I'll just have them get someone else. No harm done!" He chuckled then added, "Besides, I'd like to try and have you in it. It would mean a lot to me." He whispered.

Ava smiled broadly, "Then, yes. I'll do it." She whispered back, afraid that if she spoke too loud it would ruin the moment.

Ed leaned in slowly, his hand cupping her cheek as his lips pressed against hers. This time, Ava felt the pull in her stomach signaling butterflies and the spark that brushed across her lips and down her spine. The touch of his skin against hers, no matter how small the touch, sent goose bumps throughout her body. The type of shiver that left her heart racing and her mind fuzzy. The kiss, as it usually did, started off sweet, tender, and innocent. It did, however, intensify shortly with all of the pent up emotion that neither of them had been able to act on since he had been gone.

Wake Me Up When It's All Right (Ed Sheeran/Sam Smith/Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now