"Adam, no!"

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Ava filed into Adam's overly large home behind Ed. The group quickly split up after Adam pointed in a general direction of where their rooms would be. Ava, having already stayed there before, knew where her room was. She escaped the awkward atmosphere as quickly as she could.

Once Ava had made it safely into her hideout, she rummaged through the drawers for some pajama's she had left there. It was easily midnight already and she was extremely tired. Ava changed into the pajama shorts and baggy shirt and laid down. She laid there for what felt like hours. In reality, it had only been about twenty minutes. Not being able to take her hunger anymore, Ava tip-toed to the enormous kitchen and immediately turned on Pandora which blasted louder than she had expected. Shrugging, Ava let it play loudly and set about finding some food. She had popped a bag of popcorn and munched as she looked some more. A frustrated groan escaped just as a soft voice spoke up.

"I was going to cook something myself. Would you like some?" Ed asked from behind.

Ava blushed, "That sounds great! What's on the menu?" she asked in a flirtatious tone. Late hours never helped Ava when it came to flirting.

Ed smiled widely, "well, from what Adam has, how about a grilled cheese with ham?" He suggested.

Ava gave one, quick nod. "Sounds lovely."

Ed got everything together and started cooking the sandwiches. Ava grabbed two beers, popped them open, and gave one to Ed who smiled gratefully.

Two things happened at once. First, Adam walked into the kitchen. Second, Thinking Out Loud started to play from the speakers. Adam grinned like the cat that ate the Cannery.

"Why don't you two do the dance?" He suggested like the Devil himself

Ava shook her head, "He's cooking and I am not dancing in the kitchen. You and I tried once and you broke your toe." Ava pointed out.

Adam gestured to his right, "I have a ballroom right there."

Ava shook her head, "Adam, no! He's cooking and that's just weird." She grumbled. Ava hadn't noticed that someone had paused the song.

"Ed?" Adam cooed.

Ed looked up hesitantly, "Yes, Adam?"

Adam smirked, "How do you feel about doing the dance?"

Ed shuffled, "That is a bit weird, innit?"

Adam grumbled angrily, "I don't care! This is my house and unless you want me to kick you out on the streets, with reporters, I suggest you go dance and let me film it. I have a reimagined version going on in my head and I. Need. You."

Ava blinked, "Why didn't you say that at the beginning? I'd be more than happy to help."

"I don't wish for help. It's more of a favor to release my creative energy." He spoke in a pompous tone.

Ava sighed, "At least let me change. I refuse to be in this reimagined video in shorts and a t-shirt with no bra to speak of." She grumbled.

Ed raised his brows, "I think that works just fine..." he mumbled softly.

Adam grinned wickedly, "Ahhh, yes that does seem just fine indeed. Actually, how about you put on a sports bra and some work out shorts. The tight spandex ones. I'm going for this whole contemporary, grungy look. Ed, you in your jeans and a t-shirt works just fine. Now, go change my lovely lady so that you can show off those toned legs and stomach!" he smacked her on the butt as she waltzed past him.

Ava shot a glare over her shoulder and hurried upstairs to change. In her room, the situation fully dawned on her and sent her heart racing and her stomach flopping wildly about. Her mind raced and couldn't settle on a single thought long enough to make any sense of it in the slightest.

Wake Me Up When It's All Right (Ed Sheeran/Sam Smith/Harry Styles Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora