"I haven't felt you this tense since-...since we fell into that nest of gundarks" Obi-Wan raised eye eyebrow as he stared Anakin down, his gaze already letting his apprentice know that he couldn't hide his tension from him any longer.

Anakin scoffed, turning his upper body to face the older Jedi "You fell into that nightmare Master, and I rescued you, remember?"

Looks like Obi-Wan continued to get himself into trouble he needed rescuing from, Lyra thought with a small roll of her eyes. At least that hadn't changed.

"Oh..." The bearded man breathed sparing a glance behind him to see if Lyra had any reaction to the words "Yes..." before he let out a chuckle that caused Anakin to follow with a small laugh of his own.

"You're sweating, relax" Obi-Wan told his padawan "take a deep breath", she suspected he already knew what Anakin had become so antsy about, though it remained a mystery to her still.

"I haven't seen her in ten years Master" Anakin replied matter of factly.

Ah, so that was the reason then, they were old acquaintances, and the young Jedi was nervous about seeing Padme Amidala again. She could sympathise with that, it was much like her and Obi-Wan. Even if the reunion had been very lacklustre.

"I'm sure she'll be happy to see you too, young Skywalker" Lyra offered when Obi-Wan had failed to reply with any further words of comfort. Even if she had only just met Anakin Skywalker, the padawan seemed the genuine kind. Young, naive, still raw with his emotions that needed taming. She knew the struggle youth possessed, even if Obi-Wan had forgotten it.

Anakin shot her a small smile of apprehension over his shoulder before the elevator doors pinged open to let them into the quarters of Senator Amidala.

"Obi? Obi! Mesa so smilen to seein yousa!"

"Good to see you again, Jar Jar"

A tall Gungan approached them first, practically flying at the pair of Jedi in front of her as he shook their hands and began enthusiastically greeting them. She had always found it interesting, the way different species spoke, Gungans, Twi'lek, even Wookie's held fascinating ways of speaking. She'd read about a hundred different species in the Jedi library, this was her first time meeting a Gungan face to face however.

"And whosa this?!" The orange Gungan's wide eyes settled across her hooded frame when he spoke.

"Lyra Din-So, I'll be working with Master Kenobi and Padawan Skywalker on this assignment" She introduced herself curtly, bowing her head and extending her hand to shake.

"Mesa JarJar Binks, Mesa glad to meet another one of Obi's Jedi friends" He practically shook her whole arm when he took her hand, had she not been prepared he might've lifted her whole body from the floor with the sheer force of his enthusiasm.

Were her and Obi-Wan still...friends? She wanted to dispute the validity of that idea, giving the bearded Jedi a doubtful look that was luckily hidden by her robes. So much time had passed between them, and in all that time Lyra had only managed to speak to him once, it had been after his Master's passing. After that it had been silence, he stopped replying to her holo-messages, and never once sent word of his wellbeing. The young Jedi knight was still unsure as to why, he had never given her an explanation for it, though she never did blame him. Grief did many strange things to a person, even if that person was once your friend.

Biting her tongue, Lyra remained silent.

"Senator Padme" Jar Jar after he had released Obi-Wan of his embrace and shook all of their hands walked them into the large main seating area where the Senator stood with her guard and one of her handmaidens by the balcony that looked over the setting sun and Coruscant skyline. Padme had always been a beautiful young woman, shockingly she had grown even more so since the last time Lyra had seen her as a young girl. As always clad in her practically royal garments with her hair in an elaborate cone shaped up do that looked like it must've taken hours.

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