When Memories Fight

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Percy held Luke's body in his arms as his friend took his final breaths. He thought Luke would've been quicker, but he should've known.

He had acted out of jealousy and anger, and now he's killed his best friend.

Leo walked in and just stopped, staring at the lifeless body in percys arms.

"Percy?" His voice sounded broken, "what did you do?"

"I-I didn't mean to," Percy stuttered.

"Really? Cuz I'm pretty sure you did," Leo stormed out into the hallways.

"Leo," Percy said, following him with nothing but hurt in his sea green eyes.

"No, Percy, I know you were jealous but I never thought you were capable of this. But I guess it makes sense. You were willing to kill Grover, why should luke be any different?"

"You know I didn't mean too, I-I loved Grover more than anything,"

"Apparently not," Leo's eyes were angry and seemed to glow with anger.

"Leo, please,"

The elfish boy moved forward and grabbed Percys head, kissing him with everything he had, but it didn't feel right.

When Leo pulled away, that's when Percy realized why Leo and done what he done. The elfish boy was not happy.

"Is that what you wanted? Me to think it was an accident and then bond with you while you supported me? But guess what? That meant nothing. I felt nothing,"

"Leo," Percy started, his voice cracking as his sea green eyes grew wet.

"No. Save it, I'm going back to my room and don't follow me. Don't ever even talk to me,"

Percy moved forward to follow but it couldn't. He heard Leo mutter one last thing under his breath.

"I should've killed you when I had the chance,"

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